
    摘要: 随着计算机的普及和计算机科学技术的飞速发展,人们开始越来越多地利用计算机来解决我们生活中的实际问题了。近几年来,由于人力资源制度的不断改革,各级人事部门对人力资源信息管理计算机化的需求也与日俱增。因为对大多数的企业管理者而言,如何有效的管理企业的人力资源,使其发挥最大的效益,是每位企业管理者不断面临的难题与挑战。所以企业人力资源管理成为了企业管理中的重中之重。  62115



    毕业论文关键词: 企业人事管理系统;B/S(Browser/Server);Struts+Spring+Hibernate;

    Design and Implementation of SSH framework of Personnel Management System - Personnel data processing module

    Abstract: With the rapid development and popularization of computer science and technology, more and more people began to use computers to solve our real-life problems. In recent years, due to the continuous reform of human resources systems, personnel departments at all levels of demand for human resources information management computerization is also increasing. Because for most enterprise managers, how effective management of enterprise human resources to maximize the benefits, problems and challenges are constantly faced with every business managers. Therefore, human resource management has become a top priority of business management.

    The system is developed based on this background, the Shanghai Software Co., Ltd. Friends of modern design and production of corporate human resources management system. This system will be based on B / S (Browser / Server) structure, using JAVA language Struts + Spring + Hibernate framework. The system was developed using the Eclipse development platform easy to operate and interact with the data before and after the station through its combination and databases, as chosen MySql database.

    The personnel management system primarily intended for employees of enterprises management and operations, and not for the general staff open. The system functions as the main entry into edit employee information, employee information query employee information (modify and delete), delete the entry and business sector information, entry and delete enterprise jobs, and export, and information analysis. Due to the use of mainstream framework and advanced UI interface, the system interface is beautiful, easy to maintain.

    Keywords: Personnel management system ; B/S(Browser/Server); Struts+Spring+Hibernate; 


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 iii

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题背景 1

    1.2 目的和意义 2

    1.3 系统设计思想 2

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  2. 下一篇:C#+Sqlserver社区在线投票系统的设计与开发
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