



    毕业论文关键词: 企业考勤管理系统;B/S(Browser/Server);Struts+Spring+Hibernate;

    Design and Implementation of SSH framework of Personnel Management System - Personnel data processing module

    Abstract: With the progress of modern science and technology, using the computer to carry on attendance management has become an indispensable part of modern enterprise operation. Previous work is completed by workers, not only a waste of manpower and material resources, but also can not guarantee its accuracy and transparency, but also to the management of enterprises has brought a lot of inconvenience. Now using computer to manage work attendance, greatly reduces the workload of the staff, improve work efficiency, make originally complex tedious work become simple and easy. The development of computer technology, especially the database technology. To establish management information system for enterprises, and even to change the management theory plays an important role. Practice has proved that information technology has played a more and more important role in the management level of enterprises.

    In today's society is in the information age, information technology has penetrated into all fields of social life, especially the industry's management and intelligent information processing is to improve efficiency, standardize management, an objective review of the most effective way. Attendance as a company's basic management, is the basic basis for the work of the staff management unit. But, at present most of the domestic enterprises in attendance, still is the traditional performance appraisal methods, such as manual records, signed cards, mechanical clock, and not only the attendance rate is slow, in attendance need specialized personnel alongside records, statistics, statements made. When the final report submitted to the competent personnel, perhaps the time has been a few days, don't play attendance real oversight role. And attendance data is not accurate, attendance personnel in attendance during may record error, even the phenomenon of fraud, a great impact on the enterprise staff management. Using attendance management system, managers can quickly record the company's daily attendance of all employees, and according to the monthly statistics of staff attendance, travel, leave and the normal working hours.

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