
    摘要: 在信息技术发展突飞猛进的今天,个人、企业上网都已经普及开,在很多的商业活动中,企业网站发挥着重要的作用,一个优秀的电子商务系统,在企业的发展中起到至关重要的作用。电子商城是电子商务的一个非常有代表性的分支。作为一种新的经济形态,电子商务将在日常生活中扮演越来越重要的角色,在采购--供应链条所构成的经济活动中,电子商务将不仅仅承担辅助渠道的角色,更将成为一种独立的产业,在整个经济结构中,占据越来越重要的地位。网上购物也逐渐成为一种趋势,这对电子商场的发展起到了很在的推进作用。本文描述了用spring MVC技术实现动态电子商城的开发概述、技术特征、应用原理及方法,充分突出了spring MVC技术的优越性。简要论述了电子商务的优势、对社会的影响和建立电子商务网站应该注意的问题,并介绍了整个网站的运行流程,数据库的结构及网站的页面组成。58150

    关键词: 电子商城,spring MVC,模块,hibernate,数据库

    Based on JAVA web electronic mall design

    Abstract: In today's information technology development by leaps and bounds, inpidual, enterprise Internet access has been widespread, in a lot of business activities, corporate websites play an important role, a good e-commerce system, play a crucial role in the development of the enterprise. Electronic business e-commerce is a very representative of the branch.As a new economic form, e-commerce in daily life will play an increasingly important role in procurement - supply chain composed of economic activity, e-commerce will not only assume the role of auxiliary channels, but will become an independent industry in the whole economic structure, occupy an increasingly important position.Online shopping is becoming a trend, which is the development of electronic mall played a role in the promotion.This paper describes the use of spring MVC dynamic electronic mall outlined the development, technical characteristics, the principle and method of application, fully highlighted the advantages of spring MVC. Briefly discussed the advantages of e-commerce and its impact on society and the establishment of e-commerce websites should be noted, and on the website of the whole operation process, the structure of the database and web page component. 

    Keywords: electronic emporium,spring MVC,module,hibernate,database




    目录 III

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题的背景 1

    1.1.1 电子商务 1

    1.1.2 电子商务的特点 1

    1.1.3 电子商务的种类 1

    1.2 课题的目的和意义 2

    1.3 国内外研究现状 2

    1.4 发展趋势 3

    2 相关技术简介及系统分析 5

    2.1 相关理论基础 5

    2.1.1 面向对象介绍 5

    2.1.2 MVC介绍 5

    2.1.3 MY SQL数据库 6

    2.1.4 Velocity介绍 7

    2.1.5 Ehcache介绍 8

    2.2 软件平台 8

    2.2.1 J2EE的优势

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