
    摘要: 本系统是一个可提供给管理员使用的简化web程序,管理员可以通过对用户、商品、供应商以及财务的信息进行管理和编辑,实现对公司客户和财务的管理。网络环境下的电子公司客户管理和财务管理设计包含的功能有系统用户管理功能系、管理员编辑、客户信息的管理、商品信息的管理、财务记录的管理、供应商信息的管理、员工管理功能以及数据的备份与还原这些功能。由于该系统采用的是B/S架构,所以管理者仅通过网页端就可以访问服务器从而进行公司的内部管理。本系统针对各个模块都加入了进行实时编辑、查询和删除的功能。由于java具有一次编写,各处的运行、丰富而且高质量的工具支持、通过构件和标签实现重用等开发能力的优点,所以程序采用了Java语言,使程序可以在任意环境平台编写以及运行。58143

    毕业论文关键词: 财务管理;客户管理;信息管理;数据库

    The customer management and financial design of electronic company under the network environment

    Abstract: This paper is discussed in this paper a simplified can be provided to the administrator USES the web application, the administrator can through to the user, product, supplier and editing as well as information on financial management, for customers and financial management.Under the network environment of electronic company customer management and financial management design includes the function of the system has the function of user management system, the administrator edit commodity information, customer information management, record management, financial management, supplier information management, staff management functions, and data backup and restore these features.Because this system adopts B/S structure, so the managers can access the server through a web client for the internal management of the company.This system in view of the various modules are joined the real-time editing, query and delete functions.Because the Java has write once, run everywhere, rich and high quality tools support, through the component reuse and tag and development ability, the advantages of the program using the Java language, can make the program platform to write and run in any environment.

    Keywords: Financial management; customer management; information management;   data base


    摘要 I


    目录 III

    第1章 绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景 1

    1.2国内外现状以及发展趋势 2

    1.2.1国外研究历史以及发展现状 2

    1.2.2国内研究历史以及发展现状 3

    1.3 课题研究内容及特点 3

    1.4系统开发设计总结 4

    1.5论文组织结构 5

    第2章 课题相关理论和技术 6

    2.1相关调研 6

    2.2 可行性分析 6

    2.2.1经济上的可行性 6

    2.2.2 技术上的可行性 6

    2.3相关技术介绍 7

    2.3.1 B/S介绍 7

    2.3.2java介绍 9

    2.3.3数据库 12

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