    关键词:    班导师;教学管理;本科学习;SQL server 2005数据库;信息系统;
     The network management system of undergraduate tutorial class curriculum learning
    Abstract:     It is aware of the class teacher curriculum important learning management system in the whole process of school information, only need to use the system development tools and advanced technology, realize the management of information, scientific management; truly "make full use of existing resources and information", developed a network management system to learn a class class course, it can carry out full integration of existing information and operation, reduce the complicated manual labor, not necessary, improve office efficiency to accelerate the educational system reform. Therefore, the class teacher tasks this problem, proposed the creation of a network of class tutor system. Using VS as a platform and the database as the data exchange system simulation, basically achieve some of the functions of the basic can make the class teacher do some basic work. Results show that, the class teacher system is feasible and has great development space in the practical application.
    Keywords:    The class teacher;Teaching management;Undergraduate study;SQL Server 2005 Database;intelligence system;
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 课题的目的和意义    1
    1.2 国内外研究现状和水平    2
    1.3 发展趋势    2
    2 系统需求分析    3
    2.1 目的分析    3
    2.2 功能分析    4
    2.3 技术分析    4
    3 开发环境以及技术    5
    3.1 ASP.NET    5
    3.2 VISUAL STUDIO 2008    5
    3.3 SQL SERVER 2005    6
    4 数据库详细设计    7
    4.1 数据库设计介绍    7
    4.2 数据库设计内容及步骤    7
    4.3 E-R图    8
    4.4 数据库表设计    10
    5 系统详细设计    16
    5.1 系统的需求    16
    5.2 系统的实现    18
    5.2.1 登陆界面设计    18
    5.2.2 管理员操作主界面设计    19
    5.2.3 管理员管理界面设计    20
    5.2.4 公告信息管理界面设计    21
    5.2.5 留言信息管理界面设计    21
    5.2.6 教师操作主界面设计    22
    5.2.7 学生操作主界面设计    23
    5.2.8 班导师操作主界面设计    24
    6 调试    25
    7 总结    26
    致谢    27
    参考文献    28
    附录    29
    1    绪论
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