    With economic globalization and international competition trends, market pision of refinement, customization, bulk and intensified rapidly changing market, the original project management gradual shift to project management, in order to reduce operational risks and meet the inpidual needs, project management has become increasingly important, companies increasingly adopt modern enterprise project management methods. In a sense, the success of the project management determines the success or failure of production and business or research activities. Facts have proved that the scientific project management helps avoid operator errors. Currently, on how to improve project management standardization, improve scientific problems we need to solve the most important.
    The topic of the project in order to achieve enterprise information science and efficient management as the goal, to design a technology-based asp.net MVC pattern and project information management system. System with C # as the development language, using mvc framework, under the Windows operating system with development tools Webstorme and Node.js, manage and maintain data based MYSQL database, using javascript page dynamic page technology designed to ensure beauty and utility of the page sex. The system has a friendly interface, simple operation, easy maintenance.
    KeyWords: project management;The MVC framework ;Asp.Net; MYSQL
     目  录
    1 绪论    5
    1.1 系统背景分析    5
    1.2国内外的研究情况    6
    1.2.1国内研究现状    6
    1.2.2国外研究现状    7
    1.3任务的提出    8
    1.3.1课题目标    8
    1.3.2研究内容    8
    1.3.4系统开发计划    9
    2 总体分析    10
    2.1需求分析    10
    2.1.1需求描述    10
    2.1.2 开发工具选择    12
    2.2系统功能分析    14
    2.3系统环境    15
    2.3.1软件配置    15
    2.3.2硬件需求    15
    2.3.3平台支持    15
    2.4 流程分析    15
    2.5系统开发目标    16
    2.6可行性分析    17
    3系统设计    18
    3.1系统体系结构设计    18
    3.2系统功能划分    18
    3.3数据库概念设计    21
    3.4详细设计    23
    3.4.1 系统数据库逻辑设计及实现    23
    3.4.2界面设计    28
    4 系统实现    36
    4.1 网站界面实现    36
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  2. 下一篇:JCL+CICS银行客户及产品管理系统设计
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