    Bank customer and product management system
    Abstract:Bank is a very familiar place, many people go to the bank for business, but also their own customer information, account information stored in the bank. Today, with the improvement of people's living standards, more and more families began to go to bank for business. Nowadays, many famous banks are using IBM mainframe, their stability, security and other characteristics to ensure the security of the bank, and the effectiveness of the bank to ensure the effective management of data. Customer information management and business management is the basis and weight of the bank. The entire bank is very dependent on the bank for the customer information management and business management, if not good enough, the bank can not sustain operations.This paper describes the use of COBOL development of a virtual banking management system, which use a compiled language and CICS JCL reception technology to simulate the underlying business deposit and withdrawal services and wealth management business of the bank, using the most advanced SOA architecture for the business coordinated and efficient management to improve the efficiency of the bank to achieve maximum benefits.  
     [Key words] SOA ;COBOL ;CICS;VSAM;JCL
    摘要    i
    Abstract    ii
    目录    iii
    1.    概述    1
    1.1.    毕业设计背景    1
    1.2.    国内外研究动态    1
    1.3.    本文研究内容    2
    2.    开发及运行环境的选择    3
    2.1.    运行环境的选择    3
    2.2.    大型机的开发环境    3
    2.3.    相关开发技术    6
    2.4.    开发工具的选择    10
    2.5.    开发模式的选择    10
    3.    系统分析    13
    3.1.    可行性分析    13
    3.2.    需求分析    14
    3.3.    用例图    15
    4.    系统概要设计    17
    4.1.    总体结构设计    17
    4.2.    处理流程    19
    4.3.    数据库设计    21
    5.    系统详细设计    23
    5.1.    系统功能模块设计    23
    5.2.    系统界面设计    26
    6.    系统各模块测试    39
    6.1.    客户信息新建功能测试    39
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