    最后对系统的主要页面、数据库、应用程序的设计与实现作了比较详细的解释。根据系统所需功能,采用Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express做后台数据库,选择功能强大的Microsoft Visual Studio 2008为开发工具,严格按照软件工程开发原则,运用面向对象方法,经过详细设计和分析,完成该系统。
    毕业论文关键词:饮食营养,ASP.NET,SQL Server数据库
    The realization of dietary nutrition analysis and  recommendation system
    Based on the research of the current status of nutrition catering, found many problems, this paper summarizes the. Net technology and SQL technology with the combination of diet and nutrition analysis and recommendation system, research the current status and development trend of nutritional food, and discuss the characteristics of the corresponding development tools. Again based on diet and nutrition analysis and recommendations for further discussion and research.
    Try to use this design on the network architecture model used by VS2008 a diet and nutrition analysis and recommendation system, so that each user never leave home, at home can through the network to understand the nutrition knowledge. In this paper, from two angles of theory and practice, of a data mining function nutrition analysis and recommendation system design and implementation of analysis. Paper first object-oriented analysis and design were introduced in detail the concept and technology of special deep in this system are introduced in application to knowledge, such as: object oriented analysis and design process; The characteristics of the system used in VS2008 development technology, structure and using method. Then analyses the feasibility of the system, and then on the system design idea, design goal and the overall structure of the specific planning.
    Finally, the system's main page, database, the design and implementation of application made a detailed explanation. According to the function needed by the system, using Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express do background database, choose the powerful Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 as development tools, in strict accordance with the principle of software engineering, using object-oriented method, after the detailed design and analysis, complete the system.
    Key words: nutrition, ASP.NET, SQL Server database
    1 系统概述    5
    1.1 研究背景和意义    6
    1.2研究意义    6
    2 系统开发环境    6
    2.1ASP.NET概述    6
    2.2动态网站技术介绍    8
    2.3 数据库技术    8
    3 需求分析    9
    3.1可行性分析    9
    3.1.1 技术可行性    9
    3.1.2 经济可行性    10
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