    内容摘要: 随着信息产业新技术、光电子产业的急速发展, 我国对具有信息工程知识背景,宽基础、高素质的高级专门人才的需求急剧增加。2011年,上海应用技术学院理学院申请并获批建设“信息显示与光电技术”专业,进行以突出光电工程为特色的本科专业人才培养。第二年更名为 “光电信息科学与工程”。《工程光学》是“光电信息科学与工程”学科专业最重要的专业基础课程之一,是学科、专业建设的基础。对建构学生合理的知识结构和能力结构、培养学生的综合素质和创新精神具有十分重要的意义,并对其它专业课程的学习起着承先启后的作用。因此,进行《工程光学》课程建设对于新专业建设起到非常重要的作用。31514
    毕业论文关键词: 光学工程、Dreamweaver、网站平台、课程学习
    The Design of network platform based on Engineering Optics Course Construction
    Along with the new technology of information industry, optoelectronic industry,  the rapid development of social development on the knowledge of information engineering background, wide base, the high quality of senior specialized talents demand has increased dramatically. In 2011, Shanghai institute of applied technology of application and development of "information display and photovoltaic technology" professional, to highlight the characteristics of photoelectric engineering for undergraduate talents training. Among them,in the second year the name changed to "optoelectronic information science and engineering" ."Optical engineering" is "optoelectronic information science and engineering" discipline is one of the most important professional foundation course, is the foundation of disciplines and professional construction. Students to construct a reasonable knowledge structure and ability structure, cultivate students' comprehensive quality and innovation spirit is of great significance, for other specialized courses of study also has the function of the dimensions.
    In the key course construction of "engineering optics",  carrying out the course 's  the network platform construction   and achieving the network auxiliary teaching of the course, will break through the traditional teaching of "engineering optics" in time and space limit  and   strengthen the course information and interaction between teachers and students. By setting the server capabilities providedfor the use of teachers and students, the classroom and the teacher is  near  the students  and the students' learning desire at any time  is satisfied . Supported by the modern education technology, classroom teaching atmosphere becomes  more active, the teaching  content is  more rich, and  the  visualization of abstract optical theory  comes  ture.
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