    The online exercise system of project management
    Abstract: Along with the popularization of the distance education,the need of the exercise test is not paperless,and the function of the on-line test system based on computer network is more and more comprehensive.The project management online exercise system contains system management, candidates management,online testing, test settings, test questions, performance queries, registration of candidates logged seven modules feature.System adopts B/S, based on APMServ development platform and Apache server,Mysql database,PHP、HTML、JavaScript language development, the system hierarchical structure simple, easy to operate, and have a certain degree of security.
    This paper in the system development based on, from requirement analysis, system design, system implementation, system testing, and other four layer in the face of the contents of the system were described in detail, the technology heavy difficulty lies in database design, data dynamic storage and data retrieval.
    The system is in the trial operation stage, candidates with this system, anytime, anywhere can carry on the curriculum graduation test, the teachers, the use of the system can more efficiently and conveniently organize online testing and running effect conforms to the expected definition of the system requirements.
    Keywords:    Online examination system B/S model ;PHP ;Apache server
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    课题目的和意义    2
    1.2    国内外研究与水平    3
    1.3    发展趋势    3
    2    分析    5
    2.1    调研情况    5
    2.2    本课题的基本内容    5
    2.2.1    功能需求分析    6
    2.2.2    需求用例    6
    2.2.3    系统开发的主要技术路线    7
    3    系统概要设计    8
    3.1    系统模块结构图    8
    3.2    系统流程图    8
    3.3    数据库设计    9
    4    系统详细设计    12
    4.1    系统管理模块    12
    4.2    考生管理模块    14
    4.3    成绩模块查询    20
    4.4    控制测试模块    21
    4.5    制作试卷模块    25
    4.6    试卷中心模块    29
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