    数字电路虚拟实验设备开发安卓手机端实验结果显示系统摘要:  数字电路以及它的相关实验在计算机应用教学领域占有一个十分重要位置。介于现阶段高校在资金、环境、器材等方面的不足,开发虚拟实验室的想法应运而生。虚拟实验室是当前比较先进的实验手段之一,节省资源、便于管理、环境理想使得虚拟实验设备的开发成为热门。本文围绕基于Android的数字电路虚拟实验设备的开发进行详细的介绍,主要功能是完成数字电路最基本的四个实验:半加器实验、全加器实验、编码器实验和数据选择器实验。每个实验都有自己的实验界面和数据显示。设计使用Java编程语言,Eclipse作为Android应用程序开发的环境,主要使用的Android开发的基本技术有:线性布局和相对布局布局控件设计布局、高级的组件Spinner实现下拉选择框,使用事件监听对按钮事件进行处理等等,结合数字电路实验原理完成对数字电路虚拟实验安卓手机应用程序的开发。32639
     Digital Circuit Virtual Laboratory Development :Android Mobile Result Display System
    Abstract: Digital circuits and related experiments occupy an very important position in computer using and educating. Lacking of virtual laboratories, environment, equipment and other aspects is a big problems. So we bring up an idea----develop a virtual laboratory.Nowadays,one of the most important experiment methods is Virtual Laboratory. Saving resources, easy to manage, ideal environment to develop virtual laboratory equipment has become popular. This paper describes the development based on Android technology digital circuit virtual laboratory equipment. The main function is to complete the most basic digital circuit about four experiments:half adder experiment, full adder experiment,encoder test and digital selector experiment.All experiments has their own experimental interface and data display.This design is writted by Java programming language, using Eclipse as Android application development environment.LinearLayout and RelativeLayout layout is used to design the UI screen .All the same, use advanced components Spinner to complete the following selection box.Design an event listener to the button so it can do real action when we click the botton,.Combined with digital circuit principle complete the development of the digital circuit virtual experiments Android mobile applications.
    Keywords:Android;Virtual experiment;Digital circui;Java
    目  录
    第1章 绪论    1
    1.1 课题背景及意义    1
    1.1.1 课题背景    1
    1.1.2 相关工作    1
    1.2 本文主要内容    2
    第2章 系统分析    3
    2.1可行性分析    3
    2.2功能需求    3
    2.3本章小结    3
    第3章 总体设计    4
    第4章 系统的实现    5
    4.1开发环境    5
    4.2ANDROID布局控件    5
    4.2.1布局控件之LinearLayout(线性布局)    5
    4.2.2布局控件之RelativeLayout(相对布局)    6
    4.2.3 Android高级组件列表控件之Spinner    7
    4.2.4Button之Setonclicklistener事件监听    7
    4.3组件的声明    8
    4.4主要界面的实现    8
    4.5 数字电路实验选择的实现    9
    4.6实验原理的实现    10
    4.6.1半加器实验    10
    4.6.2全加器实验    12
    4.6.3编码器实验    15
    4.6.4数据选择器实验    17
    4.7 本章小结    19
    第5章 系统的运行及测试    20
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