

    摘要关键词  虚拟仿真  体验式教学  实践教学 

    毕业论文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  Virtual simulation  based  experiential  practice_Teaching  System

    Abstract In the rapid development of computer technology and practice teaching theory, the introduction of virtual simulation technology to the existing practice teaching system and curriculum links courses focus on the use of experiential teaching methods, has become an urgent problem of the current teaching workers. Expand experiential practice teaching system designed studies from three aspects of the teaching system, virtual simulation technology, experiential teaching system. Finally, the open source network teaching platform, select the computer network infrastructure programs, for example, the implementation of teaching architecture, unit knowledge visualization research demand for personnel positions, the specific implementation, the implementation of the virtual simulation experience of five structures based on the virtual simulation practice teaching system.

    Keywords: Virtual Simulation         Experience teaching   Practice teaching

     目  次

    1绪论 1

    1.1问题提出 1

    1.2实践教学体系研究现状分析 2

    1.2.1实践教学体系的内涵 2

    1.2.2国内外研究现状 3

    1.3虚拟仿真实验教学研究现状分析 3

    1.3.1传统实验教学的不足 3

    1.3.2虚拟仿真实验教学的内涵 5

    1.3.3虚拟仿真实验教学的发展背景 5

    1.3.4国内外研究现状分析 6

    1.4体验式教学的研究现状分析 6

    1.4.1体验式教学的内涵 6

    1.4.2国内外发展现状分析 7

    1.4.3体验式教学现实意义 8

    1.5研究内容与意义 8

    1.5.1研究内容 8

    1.5.2研究意义 9

    2基于虚拟仿真的体验式实践教学体系的设计思想 11

    2.1基本理论基础 11

    2.2理论对本文的启示 13

    2.3体验式实践教学设计思想 14

    2.4实施途径 16

    3基于虚拟仿真的体验式教学体系框架与设计 17

    3.1体系结构 17

    3.1.1基础模型 17

    3.1.2组成要素 17


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