    毕业论文关键词:    家庭资产;高效率;理财管理
    Design and implementation of family financial management system
    Abstract:  With the development of socialism in China, the day of the Chinese people is raising. The life of the people is become good. With the development of market economy, the country with the family as the unit appeared some small, face in the hands of many small pieces of assets, many families found that needs a more scientific and high effective method to management of family assets. The light on that low efficiency of accountant manual bookkeeping, afterwards has been behind the pursuit of the times. As a students, I decided by their professional knowledge, the backward family billing method improvement, follow the example of enterprise asset management, a family financial management system design.
    Keywords:    family assets ;high efficiency ;Financial management
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    iii
    1    概述    1
    2    系统开发技术介绍    3
    2.1    VB.NET技术    3
    2.2    ACCESS    4
    2.3    系统开发方法概述    5
    2.3.1    结构化生命周期法简介    5
    2.3.2    快速原型法简介    6
    2.4    系统开发方法的选择    6
    3    系统开发环境    7
    4    系统数据库表的设计    8
    4.1    数据库需求分析    8
    4.2    数据库概要设计    8
    4.3    数据库概念结构设计    9
    4.4    数据表设计    11
    4.5    数据表关系图    14
    5    系统总体设计    15
    5.1    数据流图    15
    5.2    系统设计与功能分析    16
    5.2.1    输入功能    17
    5.2.2    修改和删除功能    17
    5.2.3    快速查询和统计功能    17
    5.2.4    浏览数据的功能    18
    5.3    系统功能模块结构图    18
    6    系统详细设计    21
    6.1    登录功能模块设计    21
    6.1.1    模块功能描述    21
    6.1.2    输入/输出项    21
    6.1.3    算法描述    21
    6.2    系统存储资料模块设计    22
    6.2.1    模块描述    22
    6.2.2    模块功能    22
    6.2.3    输入/输出项    22
    6.2.4    限制条件    22
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