    Diabetes doctor-patient interaction platform based on iOS
    Abstract:Medical applications based on iOS platform have the following characteristics: One is to solve the problem that people feeling hard to see the doctor in daily life. The user operates the mobile phone and other intelligent terminal equipments, to directly consult a doctor, pay to buy medicine, record illness condition and so on. It can solve the problem that people feeling hard to queue,to register and to buy medicine;The second is that the user can consult and record anytime and anywhere.The paper analyzes the current situation of the developent of medical field applications based on iOS at home and abroad.It discusses the key technology needed to build the application.It design and implement a medical field application based on iOS--diabetes patient application.The mobile medical applications -- "sugar friends home" is a professional platform for diabetic patient’s consultation, self recording, group chat and mall. The user can use the iOS mobile devices to access the system anytime and anywhere for condition query, online payment, personal health management and so no.It provide users with a full range of interactive services on health care.
    Keywords: Medical Applications;Intelligent Terminal Equipment;iOS Platform;Diabetes Patient Application
    1 引言    1
    1.1 开发背景与意义    1
    1.2 国内外研究现状    1
    1.3 采用的开发技术    1
    2 相关技术简介    2
    2.1 C/S模式    2
    2.2 Web Service技术    2
    2.3 MySQL    3
    2.4 Cocoa框架    3
    3 需求分析    4
    3.1 系统环境    4
    3.2 功能需求    4
    3.3 性能需求    4
    3.4 可行性研究    5
    3.4.1 技术可行性    5
    3.4.2 经济可行性    5
    3.4.3 操作可行性    5
    3.4.4 可行性分析总结    5
    4 系统设计    5
    4.1 总体结构设计    5
    4.1.1 系统模块设计    5
    4.1.2 系统功能结构设计    6
    4.2 数据库设计    6
    4.2.1 设计规范    6
    4.2.2 名词定义    7
    4.2.3 逻辑结构设计    7
    4.2.4 物理结构设计    7
    4.3 系统架构设计    9
    4.3.1 总体架构设计    9
    4.3.2 客户端架构设计    9
    5 系统实现    10
    5.1 计步器功能    10
    5.2 用药提醒    10
    5.3 血糖折线图    11
    6 总结    11
    参考文献    12
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