    The Cow Posture Recognition Research Based on Machine Vision
    Abstract: In order to detect the cow abnormal posture and warn automatically for digital cultivation, the monitoring video of 2 days in dairy farm was taken as the research object in this essay. Images of standing and lying cows including 8 types of postures were captured from the video and the cow posture image library  was established. Firstly, object of cow was segmented from image by two ways which are Marker-Controlled Watershed segmentation method and Support Vector Machine segmentation method. Then, the Hu invariant moments were extracted for the cow object. Finally, the cow postures were classified with three methods which are Support Vector Machine, supervised learning neural network GRNN and PNN, unsupervised learning neural network SOFM. In the experiment, 74 cow posture images were identified in the image library, and 62 correct ones were identified, with a recognition rate of 83.78%, which achieved a satisfactory recognition effect.
    Key words: cow posture recognition;image propcessing;feature extraction;Support Vector Machine;Neural Network
    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    Abstract    1
    Key words    1
    第1章    绪论    2
    1.1    研究目的及意义    2
    1.2    国内外研究现状    2
    1.2.1人体姿态识别研究现状    2
    1.2.2猪只姿态识别研究现状    3
    1.3    论文内容及章节安排    3
    1.3.1论文研究内容及技术路线    3
    1.3.2论文的章节安排    4
    1.4    本章小结    4
    第2章    奶牛目标提取    5
    2.1图像采集和图库建立    5
    2.2奶牛目标图像分割    5
    2.2.1基于传统图像分割算法的奶牛目标提取    5
    2.2.2基于分水岭图像分割算法的奶牛目标提取    8
    2.3.3基于支持向量机的奶牛目标提取    9
    2.3本章小结    11
    第3章    描述奶牛姿态的特征提取    12
    3.1基于奶牛目标外轮廓的矩特征提取    12
    3.1.1奶牛目标外轮廓的提取    12
    3.1.2基于奶牛目标外轮廓的矩特征提取    13
    3.2基于奶牛目标的几何特征提取    16
    3.3本章小结    17
    第4章    奶牛姿态识别    18
    4.1基于支持向量机的奶牛姿态识别    18
    4.1.1基于支持向量机的奶牛姿态识别步骤    18
    4.1.2基于支持向量机的奶牛姿态识别结果与分析    19
    4.2基于神经网络的奶牛姿态识别    19
    4.2.1基于有监督学习神经网络的奶牛姿态识别    19
    4.2.2基于无监督学习神经网络的奶牛姿态识别    21
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