    摘要:随着市场经济的发展和人们生活水平的提高,人们所享受的物质产品越来越丰富,购买力越来越强,导致家里的闲置物品越来越多。为了方便人们登录二手交易平台以合适的价格售出自己的闲置物品,也可以以较为低廉的价格购买自己所需要的物品,促进物尽其用,绿色消费,采用React Native和PHP服务器端基本语言以及MySQL数据库开发了一个基于Android的二手交易平台,并发布到阿里云服务器上。该平台严格按照软件工程的理论知识与开发步骤进行设计和开发,实现了用户对于商品的发布、搜索、交易等功能。本文将从研究背景、需求分析、系统分析、功能实现和系统测试五个方面依次介绍该二手交易平台。34932
    The Design and Implementation of Second-hand Trading Platform Based on the Android
    Abstract:With the development of the market economy and the people living standard rise, people enjoy the increasingly rich material products, purchasing power is more and more strong, lead to more and more idle items in the home. In order to facilitate people to log on the secondary trading platform at the right price to sell your own idle items, also can with relatively low price to buy what they need, promote the use, green consumption, use the language such as React Native, and PHP server-side basic language and MySQL database has developed a second-hand trading platform based on Android, and published to the ali cloud server. The platform in strict accordance with the theory of software engineering knowledge and development steps of design and development, realize the user regarding the release of the goods, search, trading,etc. This article from the research background, requirement analysis, system analysis, functional realization and system test in five aspects, in turn, introduces the secondary trading platform.
    Key words: Android; goods; trade circle; Cloud server ECS
    目 录
    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    Abstract    1
    Key words    1
    引言    1
    1. 研究背景    1
    1.1 问题的提出和意义    1
    1.2 国内外研究状况    2
    2. 开发平台与相关技术    2
    2.1 开发环境概述    2
    2.2 开发平台与相关介绍    2
    2.2.1 Android Studio平台简介    2
    2.2.2 WebStrom平台简介    2
    2.2.3阿里云服务器    2
    2.3.4 React Native概述    3
    2.3.5 数据库概述    3
    2.3.6 PHP概述    3
    2.3.7 Apache服务器概述    3
    3. 系统分析与设计    3
    3.1可行性分析    3
    3.2系统需求分析    4
    3.2.1 功能需求分析    4
    3.2.2 运行环境需求    4
    3.2.3 系统非功能性需求    4
    3.3系统建模    4
    3.3.1 主要用例    4
    3.3.2 主要活动图    7
    3.4    系统总体设计    9
    3.4.1 系统总体架构    9
    3.4.2 功能模块设计    9
    3.4.3 顺序图    12
    3.4.4 数据库设计    13
    4.系统及功能实现    15
    4.1 系统开发环境与工具    15
    4.2 主要功能的实现    15
    4.2.1 登录、注册功能    16
    4.2.2 发布商品功能    17
    4.2.3 搜索商品功能    18
    4.2.4 评论功能    18
    4.2.5 购买商品功能    19
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