    摘要:本文针对当今即时通信系统用户共有的需求特点,顺应NGN(Next Generation Network)的发展趋势,为弥补不同的即时通信系统之间不能互联互通的不足与缺陷,结合SIP协议及其它相关技术,对基于SIP协议的即时通信系统的研究与开发提出了一个较为全面详细的设计方案,系统采用MySQL 构建数据库,利用ADO. NET 技术、C # 语言,仿照QQ的界面外观进行开发,实现了TCP/IP和UDP传输层协议下的文本通信(单对单、多对多)、实时状态显示、语音通信等功能,提供了简洁美观、人性化的交互界面以及能与其他SIP协议下的即时通信系统结合的机会。34934
    Study and Realization of Instant Communication System Based on SIP Protocol
    Abstract:Aiming at the common requirement specialty of today’s instant communication system users, and complying with the trend of NGN, this article combines SIP protocol and other relative technologies, and proposes a comparatively full detail design proposal for investigation and development of instant communication system based on SIP protocol to repair the shortage and limitation of lacking interconnection among different instant communication systems. The system is constructed with MySQL for database and developed with ADO.NET technology and C# language and its interface is patterned after QQ. It implements one-to-one and many-to-many text communications based on the transport layer protocol of TCP/IP protocol and UDP protocol, real-time state display, voice communication and so on. Besides, it provides concise and beautiful interface and a chance to seamlessly bind other instant communication systems based on SIP protocol.
    Key words: instant communication system; NGN; SIP
    目  录
    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    Abstract    1
    Key words    1
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景    1
    1.2    主要技术的研究现状及发展趋势    2
    1.2.1  即时通信技术    2
    1.2.2  SIP协议    2
    1.3  研究意义    3
    1.4  论文安排    3
    2  SIP协议介绍    3
    2.1  SIP协议概述    3
    2.1.1  SIP协议基本概念及发展历程    3
    2.1.2  SIP协议的特点    3
    2.1.3  SIP与H.323比较    4
    2.2  SIP结构介绍    4
    2.2.1  SIP实体组成    4
    2.2.2  SIP分层结构    5
    2.3  SIP消息格式    6
    2.4  SIP信令流程    6
    2.4.1  SIP即时消息信令流程    6
    2.4.2  SIP正常呼叫信令流程    7
    2.4.3  SIP呼叫释放信令流程    8
    2.4.4  SIP拒绝邀请信令流程    8
    2.4.5  SIP撤回邀请信令流程    9
    3  系统设计与实现    10
    3.1    系统整体框架设计    10
    3.2  开发平台与工具选择    11
    3.3  客户端功能的实现    12
    3.3.1  个性化交互界面    12
    3.3.2  好友状态实时显示    13
    3.3.3  文本聊天    14
    3.3.4  语音聊天    15
    3.3.5  视频聊天    15
    3.3.6  文件传输    16
    3.4  服务端功能的实现    16
    3.4.1  用户登录响应    16
    3.4.2  SIP消息解析    17
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