    毕业论文关键词:网上售楼系统;JavaWeb; MySQL; SSH
    House Sales System Base on Java
    Abstract:With the continuous development of scientific and technological level and expanding the Internet, using the Internet and other means of selling the building has become a major trend in the future. The system was developed using J2EE architecture , background database using relatively large enterprise applications Mysql, mainly in relatively mature SSH enterprise development technologies , implements a Web-based B / S mode online sales system . This paper outlines the background and benefits of the current domestic and international online sales generated by the system as a whole, and describes the main contents of this article. Then , the system analyzes the site , design and implementation process of a detailed introduction. On this basis , the issue presented in the design and development process encountered and their solutions , and the core technology used in the analysis . Finally , elaborated on the online sales system and the traditional real estate sales comparison approach , and the current lack of online sales system performance and expectations for the future development of the online sales system .
    Key words: House Sales System on Line; JavaWeb; MySQL; SSH
    目    录
    1.  引言    2
    1.1  项目背景    2
    1.2  国内现状    2
    1.3  课题目的    2
    2.  开发平台与介绍    2
    2.1 MyEclipse 10.0    2
    2.2 Apache Tomcat 7.0    2
    2.3 Mysql 11.0    2
    2.4 SSH    2
    3.  系统分析    3
    3.1  功能需求分析    3
    3.2  系统功能层次模块图    4
    4.  系统设计与实现    4
    4.1  概要设计    4
    4.2  系统功能    6
    4.3  数据库设计    7
    5.  系统实现    7
    5.1  项目概况    7
    5.2  SSH整合实现    8
    5.3  功能实现    8
    6.  总结与展望    9
    参  考  文  献    10
    致        谢    11
    1.   引言
    1.1  项目背景
    1.2  国内现状
    1.3  课题目的
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