     Day cat distribution logistics system optimization and design
    Abstract:With the rapid development of economy, the competition of globalization, the rapid innovation of information technology, logistics has become the social economic life of the link, become a bridge of communication between producers and consumers, occupies a pivotal position in economic life. And distribution is an important content of modern logistics, a logistics distribution link design quality directly affects the success of the whole logistics system.
          This article obtains from the day the cat to the electronic commerce development characteristics and existing problems of logistics distribution model as the starting point, the research of the third party logistics based on e-commerce environment exist advantages and disadvantages. Through the study found that 1, the day the cat logistics system, such as incomplete logistics information system; 2, the logistics personnel's overall quality is low 3, logistics distribution center location problems such as improper. Such defects will lead to the logistics information not promptly follow up and update, also affect the cost of distribution center activities, operation efficiency and service level and economic benefits. In order to solve these problems in this paper, the comprehensive consideration of qualitative analysis and quantitative evaluation, the weights are obtained by using rough sets theory, through the group decision-making method for alternative to the comprehensive evaluation value, after solving can better determine the distribution center, size, quantity and the distribution of each distribution center is responsible for the distribution which the client area. Through this topic research, can be more perfect day cat of the logistics distribution system, improve the working efficiency of the logistics operation, improve the benefit of logistics and supply assurance degree, ultimately to enhance day cat market reaction ability, reduce cost and obtain competitive advantage in order to obtain better economic benefit is of great significance.
    Key words: third party logistics: distribution: rough set
    1.差异化战略 4
    2.品牌战略 4
    3.增长战略 5
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