    Credit Card Collection Service Management System
    Abstract: With the increasing of the bank financial products, bank credit card collection management has experienced from scratch, from manual management to a single record to the persification of the development process from the system, management. With the complexity of the banking business, the collection system will also become more functional,  more efficiency, more humane. But no matter how the development, its purpose is to allow the bank to collect personnel work more convenient, more efficient, so as to achieve at a lower cost to the loss of bad debts will be controlled in a reasonable range to. As an important part of the collection of modern operations, is one of the effective means to improve production efficiency.
    This paper from the credit card collection, changes state, complexity of content, from the provisions of the bill management of the banking system, the design from the program module, and database maintenance functions and advanced system development program. From the smallest cost to achieve the best economic benefits, from the economic, technical system, resource management, put forward the feasibility of artificial management, in order to reduce the loss of bad debt losses, as the goal. In order to improve the collection efficiency of the credit card. The use of mainstream COBOL language, SOA framework, the existing banking mainframe systems put forward a set of feasible and perfect scheme, this scheme is evaluated.
    Keywords: Mainframe; Bank System; Collection; SOA framework; Cobol
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    iv
    1    概述    1
    1.1    毕业设计背景    1
    1.2    研究框架    1
    1.3    术语说明    2
    2    开发及运行环境的选择    4
    2.1    硬件平台的要求    4
    2.2    操作系统和版本的选择    4
    2.3    数据库的选择    4
    2.4    开发工具的选择    4
    3    系统需求分析    5
    3.1    用户登入功能    5
    3.2    催收人员主菜单    6
    3.2.1    查询账户信息功能    6
    3.2.2    开始工作单功能功能    6
    3.2.3    查询工作单信息功能    6
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