    Credit Card Application Processing System
    With the increasing popularity of the current credit card and the credit card business is becoming one of the most profitable businesses to all banks. Therefore, this issue primarily through the design process, giving users faster than the credit card application efficiency light credit card application process. This paper will introduce a novel and unique card system, which using JSP language and ORACLE shows you a new interface function and business processes. The main function of credit card application processing system is to achieve credit card accounts function, through the JAVA implementation. Which relate to customer identification information input, information format validation, identity information than the right, and interaction, customer credit analysis and other contents of the database. Through the system want to make it easier for banks to manage and process their credit card to open the card business, but also want our customers to get better and more convenient credit card application experience.
    Credit card application; Light; JAVA; JSP; Oracle
    摘要    ii
    Abstract    ii
    目录    iv
    1    概述    1
    1.1    毕业设计背景    2
    1.2    研究框架    2
    2    开发及运行环境的选择    3
    2.1    硬件平台的要求    3
    2.2    操作系统和版本的选择    3
    2.3    数据库的选择    3
    2.4    开发工具的选择    3
    2.5    开发模式的选择    3
    3    系统需求分析    4
    3.1    总体需求理解    4
    3.2    需求分析    4
    3.2.1    用户登录模块    4
    3.2.2    用户注册模块    4
    3.2.3    信用卡状态查看模块    5
    3.2.4    信用卡申请模块    5
    4    数据库表的设计    6
    4.1    数据库结构设计    6
    4.2    数据库表详细设计    7
    5    系统概要设计    8
    5.1    系统整体的设想策划    8
    5.2    系统的业务流程图    9
    5.3    系统数据流程图    9
    5.4    信用卡申请主要流程设计    10
    5.5    信用额度的评估分级    11
    5.6    系统其他功能设计    12
    6    系统详细设计    14
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