    毕业论文关键词:    安卓应用  游戏  Java  五子棋
    The small game development based on Android system
    Abstract:     Since the release of Android, the mobile phone industry has undergone enormous changes, although the ever-changing mobile phone brand to disappear in some people's vision, some being talked about, but there is no doubt that Android is deeply imprinted in the smart phone. The vast majority of smartphones are Android-based, easy to develop open-source Android porting, etc. all the major mobile phone manufacturers to put it down. About 80 percent of the world's mobile phone is Android system, then the Java language to develop Android applications will become very popular. A large number of Android-based gaming applications such as the emergence of the explosive to people's leisure life brings unlimited fun. The detailed description of the present paper system development backgammon game based on Android system, because it is a beginner so many problems such as the development of basic questions to setup the development environment, compiler tool of choice, Andrews application engineering in the creation process and the preparation of projects code implementation issues, step by step to complete the development of Android-based backgammon game applications.
    Keywords:    Android  Game   Java   Five in A Row
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    v
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    提纲    1
    1.2    JAVA    2
    1.2.1    Java语言特性    2
    1.2.2    Java语言的应用领域    2
    1.2.3    Java的版本    3
    1.3    安卓系统的发展和前景    3
    1.3.1    安卓系统的发展    3
    1.3.2    安卓系统当下状态    5
    1.4    应用开发的准备基础    5
    1.4.1    JDK    5
    1.4.2    Eclipse和SDK    6
    1.5    ANDROID系统的手机游戏发展    6
    2    需求分析    7
    2.1    游戏需求    7
    2.1.1    面向人群    7
    2.2    系统需求和特色    7
    2.2.1    人机对战部分    7
    2.2.2    人人对战部分    7
    2.2.3    判断输赢    8
    2.3    系统实现流程    8
    2.4    游戏帮助和关于    9
    3    游戏详细设计    10
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