
    摘要: 本论文题目核心银行贷款系统为实习卓越计划上海华钦信息科技股份有限公司课题,其中又分为贷款申请、审核以及开户三个模块,模拟实现传统柜面银行的贷款操作流程。本设计基于Mainframe大型机OS/390运行环境下,采用SOA架构,实行分布式管理。整套程序分为前端和后端两部分,后端主要使用COBOL程序语言,为了实现与前端实时的交互,加入CICS语句实时对文件进行增删查改的操作。每个模块将增删查改的功能分布编写,提高整个系统的工作效率。而JCL语言用来编译及控制COBOL程序的运行,编译通过的程序可登录CICS定义接口服务接口,后端将传输数据传入接口以XML的形式发送给前端并解析。前端只要负责页面的显示以及程序的调用,拿到XML中的传输数据是关键。整套系统拥有高安全性以及高稳定性,在统一管理和分布式操作的管理模式下更加高效敏捷。42860

    毕业论文关键词: 核心银行贷款系统;信用体系;贷款申请;贷款审批;贷款开户;

    The design and implementation of the core bank loan business management system based on Mainframe --- loan application, audit, account opening

    Abstract: The topic of this thesis is the core of bank loan system as the subject of excellence program Shanghai Hua Qin Information Technology Co., Ltd. internship, including loan application, review and opening account of three modules. Analog and realize the traditional counter bank loan operation flow. This design based on the Mainframe mainframe OS/390 operating environment, which uses the SOA architecture and implement distributed management. The program is pided into two parts of front-end and back-end. COBOL language is mainly used in the back-end, in order to realize the real-time interaction with the front end, adding CICS statements on file search, additions, deletions,change operations in real-time. Each module will crud function distribution, which improves the working efficiency of the whole system. The JCL language is used to compile and control the operation of the COBOL program, the compiler can log in CICS to define the interface service interface, the back-end will transmit data to the interface in the form of XML which will sent to the front-end and analysis. Front-end is responsible for the display of the web page and the procedure call.It can get the XML data and the XML data is the key to the transmission. The whole system has high security and high stability, and it is more efficient and agile in the management mode of unified management and distributed operation.

    Keywords: Core bank loan system; Credit system; Loan application; Loan approval; Open of loan account.


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 iii

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题来源和背景 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状水平 1

    1.2.1 国内外在贷款业务上的差异 2

    1.3 贷款核心业务发展趋势 3

    1.4 本论文的组织结构 3

    2 开发环境 4

    2.1 银行应用系统概述 4

    2.2 开发环境概述 5

    2.2.1 Mainframe大型机简介 5

    2.2.2 IBM personal communication 简介 6

    2.2.3 Mainframe相关语言简介

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