
    摘要:签到在很多场合都会使用到,例如:会议签到,课堂签到等,只要需要确认到场人数和到场人员的场合下,都少不了签到这个事项。通过对传统的签到方式进行分析,我们可以发现传统的签到方式存在繁琐、低效率等特点,已经极大的落后于现代社会的发展,因此一种新型快速的签到方式呼之欲出。二维码签到管理系统将二维码与签到巧妙的结合在一起,运用二维码(QR码,Quick Response Code)的可靠、超强的纠错能力、快速识别、以及超大的数据容量等特性,有效解决传统会议签到方式的不足与缺陷,极大提高会议的流畅性,使会议举办者专注于会议本身。基于iOS平台的二维码签到客户端将签到应用在手机客户端,该系统采用MVC开发模式,服务器端采用PHP框架,搭载于Apache服务器平台,利用MySQL数据库进行存储,处理该二维码签到管理系统的数据信息,客户端则基于iOS平台开发,涉及多种开源技术帮助开发本系统。最终将签到和移动终端,无纸化和信息化相结合,给用户带来更佳体验的同时,符合低碳环保的绿色理念。

    毕业论文关键词: 二维码;签到系统; iOS平台;MVC开发模式;PHP框架 

    Design and Implementation of QRcode Sign-in System 

    - Design and implementation of QRcode Sign-in Client on iOS 

    Abstract: Sign-in will be used on many occasions, for example, meeting attendance, classroom attendance, etc. In short, as long as necessary to confirm the number of appearances and presence of personnel, and ultimately it cannot be ignored. But through the analysis of the traditional way of sign, we found it is cumbersome, inefficient and so the traditional way of sign-in, has greatly lagged behind the development of modern society, so we strongly need a new way of sign-in. The subject, QR code Registration Management System Design and Implementation--The iOS platform client Design and implementation of QR code, will connect Sign-in with QR code smartly, through the use of two-dimensional code --QR (QuickResponse) code reliable, powerful error correction capability, rapid identification, as well as large data capacity and other characteristics, can effectively solve the problem of the shortcomings of traditional ways of meeting attendance, and meeting organizers will so greatly improve meeting focus on the meeting itself. The QRcode Sign-in System client based on the iOS platform will apply sign-in to mobile client application. This system will uses the MVC development model, and the server though PHP Framework, is mounted on the Apache server platform, using MySQL database to process the QRcode Sign-in System’s data information. The client is based on iOS platform, involving a variety of open source technology to help develop the system. Finally the system will combine the sign-in and mobile terminals, paperless and information to achieve a better user experience, while corresponding the concept of low-carbon, environmentally friendly. 

    Keywords: QR code; Sign-in Management System; iOS platform; MVC development model; PHP Framework


    摘要 i

    Abstract iii

    目录 iii

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题研究的背景及意义 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状分析 2

    1.2.1 国外应用及发展情况 2

    1.2.2 国内应用和发展情况 2

    1.2.3 发展趋势 3

    1.3 论文主要内容及结构

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