

    毕业论文关键词: B/S架构;小区物业管理;信息管理服务平台;ASP;数据库

    Residential Property Management Information Service Platform Development And Design

    Abstract: Over the years, our country has produced some in the community management combined with network technology, the use of advanced equipment and software will be intelligent property management, human nature, but in the daily operation is not smart, or lack of modern management, to better achieve further systematic and standardized. Design and development of residential property management information service platform, can be to standardization of property management in a systematic and effective management and improvement. This thesis is based on B/S structure, using ASP development language and ACCESS database development method of connecting. System can be pided into foreground and background of two parts, the front desk mainly include user registration and login module, residential users change the password module, residential users complaint module, etc.; Background mainly has the administrator login module, parking management module. Mainly through the combination of Taiwan before and after and implementation, to build a simple interface, brings to the residential users and the use of the most practical experience, make residential property management more intelligent and convenience, to adjust the residents residential property and the relationship between the user and contradictions, achieve a win-win situation.

    Keywords: B / S structure; Residential property management; Information Service Platform;  ASP;  Database 

    目  录

    一、绪论 1

    (一) 课题研究的目的与意义 1

    (二) 课题研究的背景 1

    1、 小区物业处理问题 1

    2、 物业收费标准不透明 3

    3、 外来车辆过夜影响严重 3

    (三) 课题研究的背景 4

    1、 课题研究的发展现状 4

    2、 课题研究的发展趋势 5

    二、平台开发技术介绍 7

    (一) 平台开发语言介绍 7

    1、 ASP语言介绍 7

    2、 JAVA Script介绍 8

    (二) 平台开发工具介绍 8

    1、 Dreamweaver 8

    (三) 开发平台 8

    1、 Microsoft IIS 服务器 8

    2、 ACCESS数据库

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