          Visual Binary Tree Graphical Programming
    Abstract:Two binary tree is an important type of tree structure. Data structure of many practical problems it is often two forks tree form, even general trees can be easily converted to two binary tree, and the storage structure and algorithm two fork tree are relatively simple, so the two fork tree is particularly important. Many real-world problems can be summarized as tree model, in this tree data structure, the relationship between the levels of all data elements has obvious characteristics of the. The trees and two forks tree is most commonly used, it can well describe widely exists in the objective world with branch or level characteristics of the object, so it is widely used in the field of computer, such as the compiled file management, operating system in the process of grammatical structure and database information organization. This paper introduces the application of the two binary tree in the data structure, and realizes the visualization function of two binary tree with C# language, and the construction of two fork tree and output realization are presented.
    KeyWords:Binary Tree、the Traversal of Binary Tree、Minimum area method
    目 录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 研究的目的及意义    1
    1.2 主要研究内容    1
    2 二叉树    2
    2.1 树    2
    2.1.1 树的定义    2
    2.1.2 树的表示    2
    2.1.3 树的基本用语    3
    2.2 二叉树    4
    2.2.1 二叉树的定义    4
    2.2.2 二叉树的存储结构    5
    3 二叉树的遍历    8
    3.1 二叉树的定义    8
    3.2  二叉树的深度优先遍历    8
    3.3 二叉树的广度优先遍历    13
    3.4 线索二叉树    14
    4 C#画图介绍    16
    5 虚拟二叉树的总体设计    23
    5.1 设计思路    23
    5.2 画树的三种算法    23
    5.2.1 最小面积画法    23
    5.2.2 界内画法    27
    5.2.3 满二叉树画法    28
    5.3 绘制类的介绍    30
    5.3.1 二叉树结点位置关系    30
    5.3.2 接口的设计    31
    6 初始化界面设计    32
    6.1 开发软件    32
    6.2 开发所需控件    32
    6.3 初始化界面    32
    7 结论    33
    7.1 算法结果    33
    7.2 总结    35
    心得体会    36
    致  谢    37
    参考文献    38
    1 绪论
    1.1 研究的目的及意义
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