




    毕业论文关键词  虚拟仿真 在线学习平台 互助平台 虚拟实验

    毕业论文 外 文 摘 要

    Title Design and development of Virtual Simulation Learning Platform

    Abstract   The present education of institutions of higher learning still exist many problem, such as laboratory equipment is too expensive or venues to let every student hands-on experiments. Accustomed to acquiring knowledge from text-books, and students lack of practical operation experience, the understanding of professional knowledge is poor.

         With the development of Internet technology and Virtual technology, the application of virtual technology to education has become possible. Using virtual technology to the online virtual experiment, can let students deepen the awareness and knowledge you have learned to better promote teaching, stimulate students' learning interest. Make up for the inadequacy of college teaching.

          Described in this article the virtual simulation learning platform is an online learning platform for the virtual experiment. Through B/S architecture, allows users to use anytime and anywhere online virtual experiment platform, platform based on the idea of cooperation, sharing, communication and learning for the design of each module, the user's perception of knowledge points. This is also the author of virtual simulation technology based on B/S architecture in operation.

          This article will with the courses of information management and the teaching material of "database principle" database design experiment as an example, the system of learning how to use ASP technology to build a virtual simulation platform website and using WPF virtual simulation technology to develop an online database.

    Keywords: Virtual Simulation, Online learning platform, support platform, virtual experiment     

    目  录

    1. 引言 1

    1.1 国内外虚拟仿真平台的研究情况 1

    1.2 研究意义 2

    1.3 对仿真学习平台的构思 3

    2虚拟仿真学习平台的总体设计 5

    2.1所采用的技术与工具 5

    2.1.1学习平台主体框架技术 5

    2.1.2虚拟实验框架技术 5

    2.2功能设计 6


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