    摘要现阶段,我国的城镇化进程加快,土地资源稀缺的同时,却存在着农村土地低效、无序利用,农村建设用地布局不合理等问题,国家出台相关政策提出增减挂钩这一方案来缓解建设用地供需的矛盾。所以本文以太仓经济开发区为研究区域,以该区挂钩项目为依托,对其项目进行评价。第一部分,文章根据农村居民点人均用地现状和国家规定面积标准来测算理论可整理潜力,然后利用整理潜力影响因素,构建层次分析模型,计算出影响因素对理论可整理潜力的修正系数,对太仓经济开发区农村居民点最终整理潜力进行分级。第二部分,利用GIS 将相关图层进行叠加,评价其选址的优劣。研究结果表明:(1)太仓经济开发区的 10 个行政村,其农村居民点现实可整理潜力大致可被分成三个不同等级的区域:一级潜力区包含小桥村和花北村,整理潜力大;二级潜力区,可整理潜力一般,有洙桥村、岳南村、明星村;三级潜力区基本无整理潜力,有红庙村、三港村、陆渡村、横沥村、洙泾村。(2)太仓经济开发区挂钩项目的拆旧建新地块,符合相关要求规定,选址较为合理。37421
    Abstract When the process of urbanization is accelerating and the landresources is lacked,there are still some problems of rural land inefficient,disorderly using and unreasonable layout of rural construction land , Thestate has adopted related policies put forward increase or decrease link torelief the contradiction of supplying and demanding land for construction.So this paper treats Taicang economic development zone as the study areaand basic on increase or decrease link project to evaluate this project.The first part, this paper uses Rural residential area per capita land usepresent situation and the regulations of the state standard to estimatestheoretical rural residential land consolidation potentiality,then usefactors which influence consolidation potentiality to build model of theanalytic hierarchy process and estimates the correction coefficient forfactors which influence consolidation potentiality to classify final ruralresidential land consolidation potentiality of Taicang economicdevelopment zone into different levels.The second part,using GIS tooverlay related maps to evaluate the addressing.The results showed that: (1) The practical rural residential landconsolidation potentiality of Taicang economic development zone ispided into three levels:The villages in Level one potential area areXiaoqiao village and Huabei village, the potentiality is large;Level twopotential area,which the potentiality is ordinary,contains Zhuqiaovillage,Yuenan village and Mingxing village;Level three potential areaalmost has no potentiality and it contains Hongmiao village,Sangangvillage,Ludu village,Hengli village and Zhujing village.(2)The demolitionof the old blocks and the new build blocks of the Increase or decrease linkproject of Taicang Economic Development Zone correspond relatedmandate and provision,also the location is legitimate.
    Key words: Increase or decrease link,GIS,Taicang EconomicDevelopment Zone, Consolidation Potentiality
    Abstract.. II
    1 绪 论..1
    1.1 研究背景及意义.. 1
    1.1.1 研究背景.. 1
    1.1.2 研究意义.. 1
    1.2 国内外研究进展综述.. 1
    1.2.1 国外土地整理研究进展.. 2
    1.2.2 国内土地整理研究进展.. 2
    1.2.3 国内城乡建设用地增减挂钩研究现状.. 2
    1.3 研究内容及技术路线.. 3
    1.3.1 研究内容.. 3
    1.3.2 研究线路.. 4
    2 农村居民点整理潜力测算分级..5
    2.1 测算分级方法简述. 5
    2.2 研究区概况. 5
    2.2.1 区位条件 5
    2.2.2 自然条件 5
    2.2.3 经济条件 6
    2.3 理论可整理潜力测算 6
    2.4 现实可整理潜力测算 7
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