    摘要:    随着科技的快速发展,计算机和互联网已经在全球领域内普及,聊天软件给人们带来了便利的通信的同时也存在着一些问题,例如有的聊天程序在网络中以明文传输消息,可能会存在安全隐患等问题。如今大多数开发人员,尤其是服务器开发与文护,以Linux操作系统作为开发环境,其强大的稳定性,优越的性能一次次征服了我们。37801
    毕业论文关键词:    Linux;QT;C/S架构;简易通信;SQLite
     Design and implementation of a simple communication program based on Linux environment
    Abstract:     With the rapid development of science and technology, computers and the Internet has spread in the world, the chat software brings convenience for people's communication but there still exist some problems at the same time, for example some chat program transmitted messages in plain text in the network, this will affect the use or exists security risks. Nowadays most developers take Linux operating system as a development environment especially in server development and maintenance, its strong stability and superior performance conquer us one more time.
    This system uses the Ubuntu operating system (based on Linux), SQLite database, C/S architecture and QT in the design. The main function include Server to Client communication, message’s encryption / decryption and save the chat history to databases. At the same time, the system also has dealt with some potential exceptions, to ensure that the system can have good stability in the process of using. The system has a favorable user interface and business logic improving the safety in the process of chat, with high practicability, low cost, good data security features.
    Keywords:    Linux; QT; C / S structure; Simple communication; SQLite
    摘要    i
    Abstract    ii
    目录    iii
    1.    绪论    1
    1.1    课题背景    1
    1.2    本课题研究目的及意义    2
    1.3    国内外研究现状    5
    1.4    文献综述    6
    2.    分析    7
    2.1    实现目标    7
    2.2    硬件软件需求    7
    2.3    具体业务要求与流程分析    7
    2.3.1    服务端模块流程    7
    2.3.2    客户端模块流程    7
    2.3.3    消息处理方式    8
    2.4    流程图    8
    2.4.1    服务端流程图    8
    2.4.2    客户端流程图    9
    2.5    外部接口(数据库)    9
    2.6    具备的优势    9
    3.    设计    12
    3.1    系统调查    12
    3.2    概要设计    12
    3.3    开发流程和模块划分    15
    3.3.1    开发流程    15
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