    摘要:    本毕业设计致力于开发一种创意平板折叠桌设计软件,根据客户任意设定的折叠桌高度、桌面边缘线的形状大小和桌脚边缘线的大致形状,给出所需平板材料的形状尺寸和切实可行的最优设计加工参数,使得生产的折叠桌尽可能接近客户所期望的形状。设计要求是帮助给出这一软件设计的数学模型,并根据所建立的模型给出几个自主设计的创意平板折叠桌,同时给出了相应的设计加工参数,画出了至少8张动态变化过程的示意图。本软件的开发是在提炼出数学模型后,当客户给出任意设定的折叠桌高度、桌面边缘线的形状大小和桌脚边缘线的大致形状时,能运用数学模型计算出所需平板材料的形状尺寸和切实可行的最优设计加工参数;同时,利用三文建模,模拟出实体图,加入动画仿真,对总结出的数学模型进一步验证;最后形成面向客户的自主参数输入的设计软件。37789
    毕业论文关键词:    三文曲线拟合;物体受力稳定性;实体建模;数模建立;桌脚边缘线
    Creative flat folding table design based on MATLAB software development
    Abstract:     This graduation design is committed to develop a folding table design software, according to the customer the folding table height, desktop set arbitrary edge line shape size and table leg edge line of rough shape, the shape of plate material required size and practical optimal design and processing parameters. So that the production of folding table as close as possible to the customer the desired shape. The requirement of the design is to help give the software design of the mathematical model and according to the established model are presented for several independent design creative flat folding table and gives the corresponding design and processing parameters. The development of this software is needed to extract mathematical model, when the customer give any set of folding table height, the shape of the tabletop edge line size and table leg rough shape at the edge of the line can use mathematical model to calculate the shape of the plate material size and the optimum design of practical processing parameters; At the same time, using three-dimensional modeling simulated the real figure, adding animation simulation, summed up the mathematical model for further verification; Finally, it forms the independent parameter input design software that for customers.
    Keywords:    spatial curve simulation; Objects mechanical stability; solid modeling; Da to establish; Leg edge line
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    课题研究重点    1
    1.2    课题研究背景及意义    1
    1.2.1    背景    1
    1.2.2    意义    2
    1.3    国内外研究现状与水平    2
    1.4    发展趋势    3
    2    所用开发工具简介    5
    2.1    MATLAB简介    5
    2.1.1    开发语言综述    5
    2.1.2    优势特点    5
    2.1.3    编程环境    5
    2.1.4    MATLAB图形与编译    6
    2.2    UG( NX)简介    7
    2.2.1    NX概述    7
    2.2.2    主要功能    8
    3    软件需求分析    10
    3.1    课题研究的原始数据    10
    3.1.1    模型数据一    10
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