    Design and Realization of Enterprise Sales Management System of ERP
    Abstract:This system is designed for the sales management of the enterprise. It contains main functions like order management, customer management, product management, area management and user management. There are two kinds of identities, salesmen and sales manager. Salesman is responsible for a specific area, and he will notice if there is a shortage, which will be informed on the front page of the administrator. Order management including sales query, order management, billing management and reporting. Customer management including adding customers and customer management, Product management including adding products and management products. The salesman can only modify their own password. Regional management enables that salesperson can view the separate area. At the same time, sales query can be used in two ways: by the salesman query and by query area. Products, customers can also be searched by query according to conditions.
    Keywords: sales management; products management; enterprise ERP
    绪论    1
    1.1 系统背景分析    1
    1.2 任务的提出    1
    1.2.1 国内外研究情况    1
    1.2.2 发展趋势    2
    1.3 课题目的和所要达到的要求    3
    1.3.1 课题目的    3
    1.3.2 课题所要达到的要求    3
    1.4 系统开发计划    3
    系统分析    4
    2.1总体分析    4
    2.1.1可行性分析    4
    2.1.2需求分析    5
    2.1.3开发工具选择    5
    2.2系统功能分析    5
    2.2.1销售管理    5
    2.2.2客户管理    6
    2.2.3产品管理    6
    2.2.4片区管理    7
    2.2.5用户管理    7
    2.2.6系统管理    7
    2.2.7缺货管理    7
    2.3系统环境    7
    2.3.1硬件配置    7
    2.3.2平台支持    8
    系统设计    9
    3.1概要设计    9
    3.1.1系统功能结构图    9
    3.1.2系统功能划分    9
    3.1.3数据库概念设计    10
    3.2详细设计    11
    3.2.1系统数据库逻辑设计及实现    11
    3.2.2界面设计    13
    系统实现    21
    4.1系统代码清单    21
    4.2系统各模块的实现    21
    4.2.1登录及权限的区分    21
    4.2.2主界面    22
    4.2.3客户信息    23
    4.2.4订单管理    26
    4.2.5产品管理    29
    4.2.6用户管理    30
    4.2.7片区管理    35
    4.2.8票据管理    36
    4.2.9报表生成    39
    系统测试    40
  1. 上一篇:asp.net+sqlserver手机销售系统设计与实现论文
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