    摘要:    计费信息管理系统随着全球电信行业多年的快速发展,发生了许多的促进与改变,对众多的电信企业是十分重要的,因此,全球众多的电信业巨头企业着重开发自己的计费信息管理系统,包括业务拓展、计费方式的改变等等。38602
    毕业论文关键词:    计费;B/S架构;JUnit测试;java
    Charging Management Information System’s research and development
    Abstract:     Charging information management system with the rapid development of the global telecommunications industry for many years, a lot of promotion and change, many telecommunication enterprises is very important, as a result, many of the world's telecoms giant enterprise focusing on developing their own billing information management system. Including business development,chargling way change, and so on.
    This system used in the design of the MyEcplise, Oracle and other procedures, Java development language to design, adopted the design of B/S architecture.Main functions include user management, role management, materials management, business account management, account management, bills management, etc., at the same time, the system can appear on the system of an abnormal and artificial operation mistake undertake unity interception jump page to ensure the normal operation of the system.In the testing phase, JUnit test UI test was adopted and the background, can not only ensure the correct page logic interface as well as the background, can also detect the correctness of the backstage database operations.
    Charging information management system, pay attention to the accuracy of the system, efficiency, timeliness, but this system basically completed the performance, and implements the main function of the business logic of the de-skilled, effectively improve the efficiency of the billing information management.
    Keywords:    Charging; B/S architecture; JUnit test; java
    摘要    i
    Abstract    ii
    目录    III
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 课题背景    1
    1.2 研究目的与意义    1
    1.3 国内外研究现状    1
    2 需求分析    3
    2.1 实现目标    3
    2.2 软硬件需求    3
    2.3 业务流程的分析    3
    2.4 权限分配    9
    2.5 外部接口(数据库)    10
    2.6 具备的优势    10
    3 详细设计    11
    3.1 系统总体设计概要    11
    3.1.1 系统模式设计    11
    3.1.2 系统总体流程图    11
    3.2 系统框架选择    12
    3.3 系统开发流程    12
    3.4 主要模块划分    13
    3.5 功能模块详细设计    14
    3.5.1 角色管理模块    14
    3.5.2 管理员管理模块    16
    3.5.3 资费管理模块    19
    3.5.4 账务账号管理模块    21
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