        本设计基于B/S结构,以Sql Server 2008为系统数据库开发,采用ASP.NET技术,以IIS作为服务器运行,整个系统操作简便、界面友好、灵活实用、安全性高。本系统分为前台和后台两大部分,前台包括会员登录,注册,浏览、查询手机信息,手机评论,购物车,会员中心管理等功能;后台包括会员管理,手机品牌管理,手机管理,订单管理,手机评论管理等功能。实现了在线商品展示功能,在线交易功能等电子商务功能。
    毕业论文关键词:手机网上购物商城;Sq l Server;ASP.NET
    Website Design with Automatic Recommendation Function
    Abstract: Online shopping is welcomed by more and more people. They can stay at home to buy their favorite items, which, saves time and effort. By traditional ways of shopping B2C online shopping website, a new model of online shopping website is developed for small and medium enterprises as well as most of the inpidual mobile phone users.
    The design is based on BS structure, with Sql Server2008 database development system, using ASP.NET technology to IIS runs as a server. The entire system is user-friendly, flexible, practical, and safe. The system is pided into two parts, foreground and background. Foreground includes Member login, registration, browsing, querying the phone information, cell phone reviews, shopping cart and, membership center management functions. , including membership management Background includes, mobile phone brand management, mobile management, order management and mobile review management. The website has achieved online product display functions such as e-commerce online trading functions.
    Keywords: phones online shopping mall; Sql Server; ASP.NET
    1    绪论    - 1 -
    1.1 课题介绍    - 1 -
    1.2 可行性研究分析    - 1 -
    1.2.1 本课题的研究意义    - 1 -
    1.2.2 调研分析    - 3 -
    1.2.3    研究结论    - 5 -
    1.3 开发环境及数据库概述    - 6 -
    1.3.1 开发的硬件环境    - 6 -
    1.3.2 开发系统环境    - 6 -
    1.3.3 开发工具    - 6 -
    1.3.4 数据库    - 8 -
    1.3.5 开发工具与数据库的结合    - 9 -
    2    网站功能及需求分析    - 10 -
    2.1 功能需求分析概述    - 10 -
    2.2 设计思想    - 10 -
    2.3网站设计概述    - 10 -
    2.3.1    网站设计原则    - 10 -
    2.3.2网站输入输出及性能要求    - 12 -
    2.3.3 网站功能模块    - 12 -
    2.3.4 网站设计的前台主要功能    - 13 -
    2.3.5 网站设计的前台特色    - 13 -
    2.4 网站设计系统流程图    - 14 -
    2.4.1 网站工作原理    - 14 -
    2.4.2    手机购买者流程图    - 14 -
    2.4.3管理者流程图    - 15 -
    3    数据库设计    - 17 -
    3.1数据库表的设计    - 18 -
    3.1.1 admin表    - 18 -
    3.1.2 members表    - 18 -
    3.1.3 brands 表    - 19 -
    3.1.4 Orders    - 19 -
    3.1.5 Order detail    - 20 -
    3.1.6 Phone access    - 20 -
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