
    摘 要:旅游作为一个新兴的产业近年来取得了迅速的发展,旅行社如雨后春笋遍布全国各省市、目前旅游行业普遍存在着企业规模小,管理不规范等弱点。因为旅游涉及吃、住、行、游、购、娱等诸多要素,而且这些要素又分散在不同的地域中,一个人不可能全面掌握所有的信息。本课题研究的重要性在于,目前对于酒店垂直搜索领域的研究稀少,所以本研究有填补空白的意义,对于推荐技术在类似垂直搜索网站的应用有重要的借鉴意义;设计出适用于酒店搜索的推荐系统,用来帮助用户更快地找到满意的酒店,提升用户体验,最终提高网站营收。本课题研究的酒店推荐实质是推荐一种服务,具有完全不同的特点和应用场景。研究内容包括,酒店推荐模块、酒店管理模块、景点管理模块以及在原酒店搜索的基础上,弥补搜索的不足,相对于一般的推荐系统应用是一个全新的领域。本文就详细的设计了一个X旅游网酒店推荐系统,把旅游中的一些相关的详细信息囊括其中,尽量使整个管理系统层次鲜明,概括清楚。在阅读完本文后你将能够清楚的了解到一个旅游资源管理和酒店推荐系统的具体设计和实现过程。 47266

    毕业论文关键词: 旅游网酒店;推荐系统;ASP.NET;SQL Server

    Travel network hotel recommendation system

    Abstract:Tourism as a new industry has achieved rapid development in recent years, travel agencies have sprung up all over the country provinces and cities, there is a widespread enterprise scale is small, the current tourism industry such as nonstandard management weaknesses.Because tourism involves eating, accommodation, transportation, traveling, shopping, entertainment and so on many factors, and these elements are scattered in different places, one can't fully grasp all the information.The importance of this topic research is that the current research in the field of vertical search for hotels, so the significance of this study have fill in the blanks, vertical search site for recommendation technology in similar application has important significance;Design is suitable for the hotel search recommendation system, designed to help users to find satisfactory hotel faster, improve user experience, finally to boost revenue.This topic research the hotel recommended essence is recommend a service that has a completely different characteristics and application scenarios.Research content including, recommendation module, hotel management module, scenic spot management module, and on the basis of the original hotel search, make up for the inadequacy of the search, relative to the general recommendation system application is a new field.In this paper, the detailed design of a hotel recommendation system X travel network, some of relevant details including the travel, try to make the whole management system level and bright, clear.After reading this article you will be able to clear in a tourism resource management and hotel recommendation system detailed design and implementation process.

     KeyWords: Travel network hotel information ;management system ;ASP.NET ;SQL Server

     目  录

    一、绪 论 1

    (一) 课题背景 1

    (二) 课题研究的目的与意义 1

    (三) 课题的目前现状以及发展趋势 2

    1.课题现状 2

    2.发展趋势 2

    二、系统开发技术介绍 2

    (一) 系统开发语言介绍 4

    1. C#语言介绍 4

    (二) 系统开发工具介绍

  1. 上一篇:C#+Sqlserver青年旅社管理系统的开发与设计
  2. 下一篇:asp.net+sqlserver房产管理系统的设计+源代码
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