    Phonics learning system based on Flash
    Abstract:     Phonics is a simple and efficient method, which fits the law for children to learn the language. Designing Flash-based phonics system is aimed to help children master this approach better. In order to attract the attention of children, the system uses a mini-game structure and a lot of high purity bright color, and also cartoon-style materials. It consists of loading, start interface, many selection interfaces. The process for making the learning system used Photoshop, Flash and many other types of software, but the most using software is Flash. In the process, I must find the right image as material first. Then I modify and combine these pictures to make them meet the requirements through Photoshop. Then I import these pictures into Flash. Through key frame setting, element production, position and shape of the object change, appropriate codes and other methods, I make many interface, buttons, animation and sound effects.
    Keywords: phonics; learning system based on Flash; interactive animation
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    制作自然拼读学习系统的目的和意义    1
    1.2    国内外研究现状及发展趋势    1
    1.3    本文的主要内容与安排    2
    1.4    查阅资料文献综述    3
    2    设计分析    5
    2.1    需求分析    5
    2.2    制作自然拼读学习系统的进度安排    5
    2.3    制作自然拼读学习系统所用到的方法和软件    5
    2.3.1    拟采取的方法和技术    6
    2.3.2    制作过程中需要用到的软件    6
    2.4    制作过程中的重点与难点分析    7
    2.4.1    制作过程中的重点    7
    2.4.2    制作过程中的难点    7
    2.5    学习系统的整体风格设计分析    8
    2.5.1    整体色调风格    8
    2.5.2    整体视觉素材风格    8
    2.5.3    整体声音素材分析    8
    2.6    自然拼读法教学材料设计分析    8
    2.6.1    字母教学视频    8
    2.6.2    字母儿歌朗读    9
    2.6.3    测试    9
    3    学习系统设计的主要内容    10
    3.1    学习系统的整体结构    10
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