    The design and implementation of oil and gas sales management system
    Abstract: : Nowadays, the development of social rapid increased the people's demand for oil and gas, people's need for the types of oil and gas is becoming more and more , this thesis is on the sale of the oil and gas system, in view of the problems in the process of sales to improve this problem. In this paper for the oil and gas sales system both at home and abroad, on the basis of thorough analysis and research, oil and natural gas sales system was designed and developed. This system is mainly for the background management, database will be the user's system in relation to the background management system, the main functions of the background management system for the user information management, information management of oil and gas, price management, order information management, inventory management, public announcement management and message boards, etc. This system has the humanized display interface, administrators have a full administrative rights at the same time; Classification shows the types of oil and gas, convenient user query and booking. System data stability is strong, easy to operate, also,it has the very high security.
    Keywords: oil and gas sales system;customers booking ;background management 
    目  录
    第1章  绪论    1
    1.1开发背景    1
    1.1.1 设计背景    1
    1.1.2 设计意义    1
      1.2 国内外研究状况和发展水平    1
    1.3 设计目标    1
    第2章  相关技术简介    2
    2.1 开发平台    2
      2.1.1  J QUERY以及J QUERY UI简介    2
    2.1.2  Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition    2
    2.2 应用技术    2
    2.2.1  JSP简介    2
    2.2.2  My SQL技术简介    2
    2.2.3  Ssh技术简介    2
    2.3 本章小结    2
    第3章  系统结构与分析    3
    3.1 可行性分析    3
      3.1.1 技术可行性分析    3
    3.1.2经济可行性分析    3
    3.1.3 操作可行性分析    3
    3.1.4 环境可行性分析    3
    3.2 系统需求分析    3
    3.3 系统功能设计    4
       3.3.1  E-R图    4
    3.3.2  组织结构    4
         3.3.3 用例图....7
    3.3.4  表与视图的设计.........    9
    3.4本章小结    11
    第4章  系统的实现    12
    4.1 表现层    12
    4.1.1  用户登陆页(网站首页)    12
    4.1.2  用户注册    12
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