    本系统以ASP为开发工具,后台数据库选择SQL Server2000,操作系统为Macromedia Dreamweaver 8。
    毕业论文关键字:人事管理;ASP;Macromedia Dreamweaver 8
    Design and implementation of enterprise human resources management system
    At present, human society has entered in twenty-first Century for fifteen years.In the rapid development of fifteen years, a huge amount of information compared with the past, the reverse changes in turn the world upside down.In the information explosion today, how valuable information for long-term effective management is a new problem facing people.At present, modern information integration management software based on the database technology has become a new research focus of the people.Because of the advantages of convenient processing and management of information integration in the other technology can match.The modernization of information management software has the information processing and management ability There was no parallel in history., its performance in many areas of the transcendent applicability has drawn people's attention.In the modern information management software, personnel management software has been longing for many enterprises.One of the most important to the enterprise personnel management in the enterprise internal management, the content can not be ignored.Enterprises have gradually become a huge scale.At this time, enterprises need to hire a certain number of personnel on a particular form to fill in, classify, they will spend a lot of time, energy and money, and the work is tedious, inefficient,prone to error in management.At the same time, due to the large amount of paper products, which will not only take up a lot of storage space, and not environmental protection, does not meet the needs of enterprise green development.If the transfer of a file, it will cost a lot of manpower and resources, is very complicated.Therefore, how to manage internal employee personal information, has become a big crunch time problems in enterprise management.
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