    毕业论文关键词:生产管理系统 ,S.S.H(Struts ,Hibernate ,Spring),JAVA , JSP
    Enterprise production management system
    Abstract:Production department if there is no professional management tools, such as the cycle will be, inventory, human, delivery, scrap, the introduction of new products and meet customer requirements and other problems. If there is not an effective plan, the production department to above these problems and other similar questions are difficult to answer. Due to the lack of professional tools and knowledge system and its effective system, it is difficult to accurately measure the performance of the productive sector. Thus, the imminent introduction of production management system. In the application of the production management system of the environment, in the formulation of sales and operations planning must be adopted to estimate the resource plan for certain product needed to produce the same amount of resources, in order to ensure the rationality of sales and operations planning.
    Keywords: production management system,Struts ,Hibernate ,Spring ,JAVA ,JSP
     目 录
    摘  要    I
    1 绪  论    1
    1 绪论    1
    2 系统的开发环境及技术简介    1
    2.1  系统开发环境    2
    2.1.1 MyEclipse    2
    2.1.2 数据库简介    2
    2.1.3 Tomcat    3
    2.2系统开发的思想与技术    3
    2.2.1JSP技术与MVC模式以及系统的基本框架    3
    2.2.2 S.S.H框架的优点    3
    3 系统总体设计    6
    3.1 总体功能模块    6
    3.2系统管理员功能模块    6
    3.3 系统业务描述    7
    3.4 程序流程图    7
    4系统详细设计与实现    9
    4.1系统和数据库的配置    9
    4.2概念模型设计    10
    4.3数据库逻辑模型    10
    4.4数据库表结构    10
    4.5平台数据表的设计    12
    5系统功能实现    16
    5.1程序的类图    16
    5.1.1产品KsBean类图    16
    5.1.2工序GxBean类图    17
    5.1.3款式工序关联Gongxu类图    18
    5.1.4生产ScBean类图    18
    5.1.5生产订单DDbean类图    19
    5.1.6用户UserBean类图    20
    5.1.7员工YgBean类图    21
    5.2程序的时序图    22
    5.2.1 工序模块时序图    22
    5.2.2 生成订单模块时序图    23
    5.2.3 员工信息模块时序图    24
    5.3系统功能实现的主要框架    25
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