    摘要:    随着信息技术和计算机技术的进步,计算机信息技术已被应用在越来越多的大小型餐馆管理中,给处理各种管理问题提供极大的方便,因此很多餐馆就利用餐馆信息管理系统来辅助餐馆点餐等相关的信息进行管理,这样能提高整个餐馆管理的工作效率,并且能够使点餐的过程更加科学、准确、快速和便捷。41086
    本系统开发采用ASP.NET编程语言,以Visual Studio 2008、SQL Server 2005为开发工具,Windows7/8作为操作系统而实现。系统的基本功能包括员工功能模块和管理员功能模块,分别实现不同的功能。管理员模块中能够对餐位信息、菜单信息、员工信息和餐位预订等进行管理。员工模块中可以查看更改自己的资料信息,并且能够实现点餐、结账、预订餐位等功能。论文阐述了餐馆管理系统的开发过程,经过需求分析、可行性分析、概要设计、详细设计、编码、运行、测试等阶段,最终完成了设计。经过测试,本系统最终实现了登录、餐位信息、菜单信息、员工信息、餐位预订管理、点餐结账等功能,运行效果良好,具有一定的实用价值。
    毕业论文关键词:    餐馆管理;Asp.Net;SQL Server 2005
    Restaurant Information Management System
    Abstract:     With the progress of information technology and computer technology, computer information technology has been applied in more and more large and small restaurant management, provide great convenience to deal with all kinds of management problems, so a lot of restaurants on the use of information management system of restaurant to assist a restaurant and other related information management. Only in this way can improve the working efficiency of the entire restaurant management, and can make the ordering process more scientific, accurate, rapid and convenient.
    The system development using ASP.NET programming language to Visual Studio 2008, SQL Server 2005 development tools, Windows 7/8 as the operating system implementation. The basic functions of the system, including staff and administrator function module function module, respectively, to achieve different functions. The administrator function module can be on the meal information, menu information, staff information and meal reservations for management. The staff function module can view the information to change their information, and to achieve a point of meal, checkout, booking a table and other functions. These describes the development process of restaurant management system, through the feasibility analysis, demand analysis, outline design, detailed design, coding, testing, operation, analysis and other stages, and finish the design at last. Through testing, this system has finally realized the function of login, meal information, menu information, staff information, meal reservation management, ordering and so on. It has a good effect, and has a certain practical value.
    Keywords:    Restaurant management; Asp.Net; SQL Server 2005 
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    iii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    课题背景    1
    1.2    目的和意义    2
    1.3    研究现状    2
    1.4    系统关键技术    3
    1.4.1    管理系统介绍    3
    1.4.2    ASP.NET框架    4
    1.4.3    B/S框架    5
    1.4.4    数据库技术    6
    2    系统需求分析    7
    2.1    需求分析    7
    2.1.1    功能需求    7
    2.1.2    性能需求    8
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