



     Design and Implementation of Parking Information Management System


    Today,with the rapid development of domestic economy and the improvement of human material level, the number of private cars is increasing,  the access to the parking of vehicles has also increased significantly, the management of these vehicles become increasingly cumbersome. Due to the large user base, most of the users in the parking lot parking time shorter, if using the method of manual toll collection management, will consume a lot of labor and cannot be on the inside of the parking lot formation a systematic management, so we need a to facilitate the operation of the parking information management system to system management of parking information.

    This design use the J2EE framework as a development tool, using the Struts, Spring technology. System administrators and operators of two parts: The administrator part of the function of the membership and staff information management, real-time set fees, the staff and the turnover of the various periods of inquiry. operators can realize the function of member of prepaid phone, of garage query information and personal information management, and other functions. Tested, complete program to run without any problems.

    Keywords: Parking Information Management;JSP;Struts;MySQL;Spring;Hibernate





    1 绪论 1

    1.1背景 1

    1.2国内外研究现状及发展方向 1

    1.3系统开发需求及论文组织结构 2

    2 相关技术 3

    2.1 MVC设计模式 3

    2.2 Struts技术 3

    2.3 Spring技术 4

    3 系统分析与设计 6

    3.1可行性研究 6

    3.2系统功能 7

    3.3系统设计 7

    4 数据库设计 9

    4.1 系统E-R图 9

    4.2数据库表设计 11

    5 系统功能实现 13

    5.1系统首页 13

    5.2系统主界面 13

    5.3会员管理 14

    5.4 员工管理 15

    5.5用户管理 16

    5.6 设置收费标准

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