


    Design and Implementation of News Client

    Abstract: With the development of information technology in human society, the Internet has entered thousands of households, and the mobile phone has gradually become an indispensable part of people's daily life. Various types of news clients, such as NetEase news, today's headlines etc. appear, which make us acquire the news around the world without going out. The task of this graduation project is to design a news APP to facilitate users to grasp the social dynamics in the first time. The system consists of two models, the app mobile terminal function module and server module. The mobile terminal module includes user registration, user login, information query, news show, new posts release, comments, school survey, collection, personal information maintenance, share, the password maintenance. The server module includes user management, category management, news management, comment management, etc. The system is developed by JAVA language in Eclipse. All data of the system is stored in the MySQL database system.

    Keywords: News client; APP design; interface design.

    目 录

    1 绪论 1

    1.1研究背景 1

    1.2 研究现状 1

    1.3 选题意义 2

    1.4 研究目标 2

    2 相关的理论和技术 4

    2.1 Android UI 4

    2.2 安卓系统优势 5

    2.3系统构架介绍 5

    2.3.1 应用程序层构建 5

    2.3.2 应用程序框架构建 6

    2.3.3 系统的核心类库 6

    2.3.4 Linux内核构建 6

    2.4 Android SDK介绍 7

    2.5 ADT介绍 7

    2.6 MySql介绍 7

    3 新闻客户端系统需求分析 8

    3.1 新闻客户端可行性分析 8

    3.2 新闻客户端功能需求概述 8

    3.2.1 用户注册 9

    3.2.2 登录 9

    3.2.3 新闻列表展示 9

    3.2.4新闻内容推送 9

    3.2.5 评论,分享,收藏 9

    3.3 新闻客户端数据库需求分析 10

    3.4 新闻客户端系统性能需求

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