


    毕业论文关键词  行人检测,梯度方向直方图,支持向量机,可变形部件模型


    Title    Research on Pedestrian Detection under Surveillance Scene   


    As a branch of object detection, pedestrian detection is one of research topics in the area of computer vision. It plays an important role in practical application, especially in the area of transport, which improves the work efficiency and at the same time reduces labor. The study focus on the pedestrian detection based on the image dataset of INRIA and surveillance scene. The main work are as follows.

    Firstly, the paper presents a simple introduction of pedestrian detection. Then a traditional algorithm in pedestrian detection, HOG + SVM, is described. Next this paper realizes a pedestrian detection system and an improved algorithm based on deformable part model (DPM), which was constructed using a star model containing both global and local information with root filters and part filters. Finally, Towards the problem of repeating detection, this paper made a little improvement during the post-processing stage. The experimental results based on INRIA dataset and surveillance scene dataset indicates that the post-processing stage made some improvement in the average precision compared to the Cascade_DPM and at the same time kept the time increased only a little.

    Keywords  pedestrian detection, HOG, SVM, deformable part model

    目   次

    1  引言 1

    1.1  课题背景及相关发展…1

    1.2  本文使用图像数据库介绍…1

    1.3  本文内容安排3

    2  基于HOG的行人检测算法…4

    2.1  HOG特征 4

    2.2  支持向量机(SVM) 5

    2.2.1  几何距离和函数距离5

    2.2.2  最大距离准则…6

    2.3  实验结果…8

    2.4  本章总结9

    3  基于DPM的行人检测算法… 10

    3.1  DPM行人检测算法10

    3.1.1  基于HOG特征的改进…10

    3.1.2  模型11

    3.1.3  隐性SVM…14

    3.2  Cascade_DPM行人检测算法14

    3.2.1  星型模型检测器的改进14

    3.2.2  临界值计算…16

    3.3  实验结果…17

    3.4  本章总结…19

    4 基于Cascade_DPM算法的改进…21

    4.1  行人检测中的评价参数…21

    4.2  基于Cascade_DPM算法的改进22

    4.3  实验结果比较…24

    4.3.1  时间复杂度比较…24

    4.3.2  算法平均精度比较24

    4.4  本章总结 24

    结论 …26

    致谢 …27

    参考文献… 28

    1  引言

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