
    摘要:随着网络的普及与迅猛的发展速度,人们对信息获取的方式和途径都在发生着改变,传统的销售方式暴露了其管理不便与效率低下的弊端。建立B2C网上营销模式的书店显得尤为必要。图书销售管理系统系统在对整体结构的设计理念、需求分析进行明确地规划之后,分有销售(前台)和管理(后台)两大模块,销售包括书本展示,图书的查询,读者用户的注册,读者用户登陆 ,订单信息登记,订单查询等功能。管理方面主要包括新书信息录入, 订单信息管理, 图书管理还有用户管理等等。本系统基于ASP.NET后台数据库SQL Server2005。本论文描述了,在综合分析的基础上,网上书店的现状和未来的发展,详细地介绍了前台与后台的各功能,并举例说明了具体是如何实现的。从系统的用户角度与开发者角度分析,希望可以更加充分地体现理论与实践应用在本系统中的结合与实现。42875

    毕业论文关键词: 图书销售管理系统;asp.net;系统管理;SQL Server2005;

    .NET-Based book sales management system

    Abstract: With the popularity of the rapid pace of development of the network , people on ways and means of access to information in the event of changes in the traditional way of selling exposes its management inconvenience and inefficiency of the state. Build B2C online marketing model bookstore is particularly necessary.

    After the system design thoughts, goals overall structure of a clear planning, sales and management of two modules , including the sale of the book shows , books inquiry , member registration , member login , order information , order inquiries and other functions. Management, including the registration book , order management, library management, user management. These functions based on ASP.NET technology to achieve , using SQL Server2005 database back-end system . Paper describes the development status and the online bookstore on the basis of comprehensive analysis , in the process of writing the paper , the realization of various functional modules in detail , and describes the experimental conditions of the system , from the practical application and operating skills , hope It can more fully reflect the combination of theory and practical application and implementation of this system.

    Keywords: Book sales management system; Asp.net; System management; SQL Server2005; 


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 ii

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 本课题的研究背景和意义 1

    1.2 本课题的发展前景及目的 2

    1.3 本课题的内容及重点 2

    1.3.1 本课题的基本内容 2

    1.3.2 本课题的重点 3

    1.3.3 本课题的难点 3

    1.4 系统设计所用方法与工具 4

    1.4.1 B/S体系结构 4

    1.4.2 SQL Server 4

    1.4.3 HTML 5

    1.4.4 ASP.NET

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