




    The Modular Construction and System development of Computer science knowledge

    Abstract: As we all know, the development of computer science and technology is very fast in recent years, and computer science and technology have a lot of applications.In terms of computer science, there are a lot of categories and subjects.When students want to query and understand knowledge, it is often difficult to find the relevant content.Therefore, in order to adapt to the high efficiency of information technology.A system of computer science knowledge module construction will be inevitable.In this system, the knowledge of computer science has been systematically sorted and classified, which is beneficial for students to refer and learn.Based on that point, a network query computer science knowledge and learning computer science knowledge platform can improve the computer  knowledge system.

    Based on the above understanding, the collection of relevant information on the computer, the user's needs and other research, found that the traditional knowledge of computer science to obtain the source of less difficult to find the drawbacks.Because of the above reasons, the computer science knowledge system can become a student inquiry and study computer science knowledge of a system.

     It can be seen through the computer and the network to provide students with a computer science knowledge of the system, there is a great prospect.

    This system uses the Java language to carry on the development.Through the use of eclipse development platform to carry out related development, and MySQL as a database, the system is based on B/S architecture knowledge system.The design and development of the computer science knowledge module can greatly improve the student's learning efficiency, as well as query to computer science related knowledge.The support of computer science knowledge system can greatly meet the needs of students.

    Keywords: Knowledge system,Computer science knowledge,Refer


    摘要 I

    Abstract .II

    目录 III

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题的意义 1

    1.2 研究背景 1

    1.3 研究现状

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