



    毕业论文关键词:文化产业服务、公共服务平台、管理咨询、基础平台、Spring MVC

     Based on the spring MVC configuration of the separation of the main and subordinate library to achieve cultural industry public service platform

    Abstract: In recent years, our country gradually include the development of cultural industry in the development of national system more mature in the schedule, so the creative cultural industry public service platform plays a more important role in cultural life, will be for our cultural industry provide a huge boost. Cultural industry bulletin board service platform is the cultural information and resources, financial resources, and an industry combining the human resources of the cooperative project, for information exchange and the cooperation between public cultures provides an important and convenient platform, in order to improve the service network of the country's average service level. Public service platform not only played the information communication between the interaction, the flow of financial capital and cooperation, technical service support and provide above, development and large-scale training, also provides management consulting services, auxiliary entrepreneurial activity, marketing for enterprises to exploit market, and to provide policy related legal service, the action of multi-function. 

    Because of the increase in the continuous development of China's economic strength and material culture and meet, people's pursuit of spiritual culture in our country has reached a new level. And between countries in the world in our country, whether it is economically, and culturally, it should be as comprehensive national strength of a concentrated reflection, we need to grasp the critical path of culture, to gain the initiative in international competition important. Moreover, our country is a vast country with a history of five thousand years long, the culture of our country, but also a development and inheritance of important intangible resources, is our most important spiritual pillar. The cultural development as our first target, this also is we need the developing direction of the next. 

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