


    Agricultural products online sales system-at the front desk

        Abstract:With the accelerated pace of life, there is growing emphasis on efficient online service. Online shopping system is widely used. Online shopping system, including the development of its establishment and maintenance of back-end database and application development front two. Background and foreground program by a combination of database, users can achieve up to become a member to purchase goods, and in the shopping cart module in order to achieve the formation. Users receive their own set of goods can then be a message in the message module publication.The system's back-end database using MySQL for the establishment, application development using MyEclipse platform and Java language development. It implements the operations it implements the transaction, records, statistics and other functions. It features user-friendly, simple operation, convenient and quick.

    Keywords: online shopping; Java;Agricultural products

    目 录

    1. 绪 论 1

    1.1    开发意义..1

    2. 系统开发环境的介绍及选择 2

    2.1    JAVA..2

    2.2    MYSQL ..4

    2.3    JSP.5

    2.6    WEB服务器.6

    3.  需求分析 7

      3.1    总体概念结构7

      3.2    功能模块..7

        3.2.1  用户管理模块7

        3.2.2  浏览模块..8

        3.2.3  购物车模块.8

        3.2.4  结算模块..8

        3.2.5  在线交流模块8

        3.2.6  评价模块..9

    4.  系统数据库设计 10

    4.1    数据库总体设计要点.10

    4.2   表关系图12

    4.3   表结构.13

    4.3.1  新闻表(Blog)13

    4.3.2  新闻类型表(BlogType)..13

    4.3.3  订单表(Ding)13

    4.3.4  订单明细表(DingList)13

    4.3.5  会员表(Client).14

    4.3.6  商品表(Thing).15

    4.3.7  商品类型表(ThingType)15

    4.3.8  介绍表(Introduce).15

        4.3.9  评价表(Assess).16

    5. 详细设计 17

    5.1    会员注册17

    5.2    商品列表21

    5.3    商品信息24

    5.4    官方信息通知.25

    5.5    购物车的实现.27

    5.6    售后评价29

    6.  总结 31

      6.1    完成情况31

      6.2    附加功能31

      6.3    体会..31

    致 谢 33


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