

    毕业论文关键词:客户信息; 信息查询;商品管理;物流;数据库; ASP.NET;B/S 

    Design and implementation of logistics management system

    Abstract:With the gradual establishment of China's socialist market economy and stable development, the flow of goods developed very rapidly, more and more businesses and companies involved in the circulation of commodities in an effort to derive some profit. Since inpidual SMEs and companies are facing very fierce competition, so only customers and sales of goods and merchandise inside information to analyze the data, and then based on this information to adapt to the market, out of unsold goods, sales of large To purchase more goods, so as to ensure that the finished product is proportional to the business operations and profits in order to allow enterprises to become more smoothly. Today, computer technology has penetrated into all areas of the industry has become an indispensable tool. In today's highly competitive market, analysis of customer shopping preferences is important for an enterprise, especially the commodity management businesses more competitive, need more scientific management, so the establishment of an enterprise inventory management system is necessary.The main function modules of the system implemented include: procurement management, sales management, inventory management, basic data management, system management, and several functional modules.Firstly, the system needs analysis, obtained to build the various system modules. Using established systems to be run with a SQL2008 database backend database, using VS2008 integrated development environment with the use of C # language to develop a tire management system.

    Key words: Customer information; information query; commodity management; Invoicing; databases; asp.net; B / S 


    1. 绪论 1

    1.1 开发背景 1

    1.2 目的和意义 1

    1.3 国内外研究现状、水平及发展趋势 1

    2. 关键技术研究 3

    2.1 ASP.NET框架 3

    2.2 B/S框架 4

    2.3 数据库技术 4

    2.4 互联网信息服务 4

    3. 需求分析 6

    3.1 可行性分析 6

    3.2 系统功能需求 7

    3.3 系统非功能需求 7

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