
    摘 要:在这信息的快速发展的21世纪,万维网的出现给计算机领域带来了巨大的变化,它变得越来越重要,成为人们在社会交往中不可获取的工具,技术的更新给社会不同领域带来了巨大的前景。管理学19到20世纪提出的绩效管理理论,因为互联网数据库技术的普及得到实实在在的应用。为了让信息管理更加的高效,便捷,本文通过互联网通用的web开发技术,将校园管理通过网页的B/S模式,应用于北京昌平职业技术学院。实现了学生,教师绩效的可视化操作,为校园信息管理提供了便捷与高效。通过这个设计的复用,可以让更多的校园信息管理变得更加科学,高效。43441


    The Design of Performance Management System in Colleges and Universities -- a Case Study of the Automobile Department of Changping Vocational School

    Abstract:In the rapid development of the information in the 21st century, the emergence of the world wide web has brought great changes to the field of computer, it becomes more and more important, it has become a people in social interaction can not access the tools, technology updates to different sectors of society brought great prospects. Management theory of performance management proposed by 19 to twentieth Century, because the popularity of the Internet database technology to get real applications. In order to make the information management more efficient and convenient, this article through the Internet common web development technology, campus management through the B/S model, applied to the Career Technical College in Changping, Beijing. To achieve the students, teachers, the visual operation of the performance of the campus information management to provide a convenient and efficient. Through the reuse of this design, we can make more campus information management become more scientific and efficient.

    Key Words: University performance management; Web system development; Evaluation system

    目  录

    摘要 1

    引言 1

    1. “绩效可视化”学生综合评价体系 2

    1.1 汽车运用与维修专业学生综合评价体系制定的依据 2

    1.2 汽车维修企业岗位标准 2

    1.3 “绩效可视化”综合评价体系的特点 4

    2. 绩效评价体系 5

    2.1 汽车维修企业绩效评价体系 5

    2.2 技能岗位人员考核标准 6

    2.3 学生综合评价体系构建过程中需要遵循的原则 7

    2.4 “绩效可视化”学生综合评价的目标 8

    2.5 “绩效可视化”学生综合评价体系的内涵 8

    2.6 “绩效可视化”学生综合评价指标体系 8

    2.7 “绩效可视化”学生综合评价体系的具体内容 9

    3. 程序设计展示 13

    4. 绩效管理系统的需求 14

    4.1 用户描述 14

    4.2 业务流程 15

    4.3 一般约束 15

    5. 总结 18

    参考文献 18

    附录 20


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