




    Based on the function point of design and development of software project cost estimation system

    Abstract: Project management is a creative activity, uncertainty and variability of the project created a risk of the project, the project to succeed, the success of cost management is a top priority, cost control is not to mention the success of the project of. Cost is the soul of the project, a number of factors both parties and stakeholders focus of attention. Purpose of the project cost management is in the process of implementation of the project, to ensure that the project does not exceed the actual cost of the project budget. The software project estimation system includes personal management, project management, project cost chart three large main module function. The system uses B / S architecture, based on windows platform and Nginx server using mysql as the backend database system, php as the main development language, so that the whole system is a clear hierarchical structure, convenient operation, and has a certain degree of security.

    This article will point to function more detailed exposition, and on the basis of system development, system design, system implementation at all levels of the whole subject was described in detail from the needs analysis, the main difficulty of this task is to function points understanding and analysis, and how will this cost function point estimation methods into real program implementation.

    This system is still in the internal operational phase, the user can use this system, the system software to simplify the process of calculating the project cost and improve the efficiency of certain work. The software system is running in line with the expected design requirements defined.

    Keywords: function point;software project cost estimation system ;PHP ;Mysql


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 iii

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题目的和意义 2

    1.2 国内外研究与水平 2

    1.3 发展趋势 3

    2 系统分析

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