

    本文介绍如何开发一套医药公司销售管理和财务管理系统,包括了用户用户信息管理、部门管理、药品分类管理、添加药品信息、修改药品信息、删除药品信息、药品采购管理、采购入库管理、采购退货管理、药品出库管理、药品销售管理、财务统计管理等重要的功能。本文详细说明了医药公司销售管理和财务管理系统开发的背景和意义以及国内外研究现状,之后对系统逐步展开设计,包括系统分析,系统总体设计,具体窗口, 以及功能的实现,并简明扼要的跟大家介绍一下整体的开发过程和其中采用的方法。



    毕业论文关键词: 进销存;库存管理;药品管理;人员管理;  

    Network pharmaceutical sales and financial management based on  

    Abstract: With the continuous development of computer information technology and progress, computer information technology has been applied to a growing number of supermarkets and personal management business to go to the supermarket variety of management bring great convenience. Currently in most supermarkets in the drug management efficiency is very low, the management of drug-related information can not be effectively managed, a series of processes for drug procurement, storage, sales, maintenance, etc. there are many flaws, which urgently need to use drug information management system to aid in the supermarket of drug-related information for scientific management and control, to improve the efficiency of drug management, management of scientific medicine, accurate and convenient purposes.

        This article describes how to develop a pharmaceutical company sales and financial management systems, user information including user management, departmental management, drug classification, drug information to add, modify, drug information, drug information deleted, drug procurement management, procurement, storage management, important features purchase returns management, a database management drugs, drug sales management, financial management, and other statistics. This paper introduces the background and significance of pharmaceutical sales and financial management systems development and research status at home and abroad, and then gradually expand the system design, detailed design including system analysis, system design, system, and finally a full system testing.

        We use ASP.NET technology with database SQL2008 pharmaceutical companies to develop a set of sales management and financial management systems.

        In this article , the design can make medicine sales functions more convenient, can do on the Internet, without having to go to store to buy some of the basic drugs.

    Keywords: Invoicing; inventory management; pharmaceutical administration;Personnel management



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